Some new containers and dispensers

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by TexasTB, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    I needed some extra jugs and pump sprayers, but really didn't want to order some online and pay shipping. I know, I'm a cheapy. I did a little searching in Wal Mart, when I remembered the institutional size condiments in the food isles. Such as the larger ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc...... I could have sworn they either came with a pump, or the pumps were sold separately next to them.
    BINGO, they had them, and at $1.88, they are fairly cheap.
    Here is what was in the bag....
    2 different size lids and a pump

    Now I needed a container. A little more searching in the kitchen isles, around the jugs, cookie jars, etc.... I found some gallon jugs that the large lid fit. They cost less than $3.00 each.
    Here is a pic with some product already in it.


    Filled the first one with Leather conditioner.
    The 2nd one, I put the remainder of my Megs #66 in it.

    I wanted every last drop, so I cut the old gallon jug in half.

    Cut open:


    How much extra I managed to get out:



    Weapon of choice:

    Pump was not long enough to reach the bottom:

    Cut some tubing I had laying around and stuck it on the bottom:

    Finished product:

    I only bought 2 to start with, but will most likely buy 5-8 more. And at less than $6 and a trip to Wal-Mart, you have a nice little clear pump container.

    I will retrofit the pump to fit some regular gallon jugs with the tiny caps. (such as the white jug in the pic above)

    Hope you enjoyed
  2. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Wow that is a great find and great way to improvise with the tubing.
  3. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Dude you can't put mustard on leather... j/k. Very crafty of you.
  4. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    lame lame
  5. that is a TON of leather conditioner.... wowww
  6. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Great retrofit!
  7. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    that's the best modification I've seen on here yet:applause2:
  8. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Not bad. Not bad at all...:thumb:
  9. kogenx

    kogenx Birth of a Detailer

    Those looks great!
  10. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Nothing wrong with saving some money! Very nice work mate...
  11. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    I have a ton of it laying around from when I built my first two detailing trailers.

    It's my new invention, car condiments. (any use of that name by any other company will be sued. I made it up... it's mine mine mine. Oh wait, I was acting like AWC there for a minute)

    :bla2: :pye:
    Dust to Glory gave it to me the other night. See his lovely post right above yours. What a good guy he is.... LOL



    Now I need a few more!

    Thank you
  12. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    I agree! You are not being cheap, you are being smart!
  13. Wait... why not just throw a pump onto the megs gallon container???
  14. Hum-Benz

    Hum-Benz Wax on..Wax off

    You're a GENIUS!!! Now I have to go to my most hated store now (walmart) and buy that setup.....ugghh!
  15. richy

    richy Guest

    Dude..great idea...BTW, like me, you're not cheap..the word is has such a nicer right to it, eh?
  16. heatgain

    heatgain Guest

    That's my kind of improvising. Good job!
  17. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    These days, there's no such thing as cheap. Good way to save some coin.
  18. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Nice Chris..I always said you were innovative..always coming up with Ideas....

    the nice thing about these jugs are you use all the product.....when empty you just rub a pad on the inside to get the rest out

  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Cool and I agree nothing wrong with being smart with products :cheerl:
  20. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    Thanks AL. Yea, I like to make things myself. From the 2 detailing trailers I built to the detail van I am still messing with.
    Now if I can only find something that will make me more money..... :shead:

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