just noticed after posting about AG in local walmarts, there have been many fellow socal'rs responding. norcal has their own thread...so why not us?? wheres everyone from? SGV 626 edwinbong THE ONE bigmikela advs1 kaisernaut HP ADDICT SOUTH OC 949 eyezack87 Mikejl Brian N IE 951/909 detaildoc TONY MONTANA OC 714 jlt23 tkblazer christian900se SFV 818 Dr. Bob Cerritos 562 Handz Ventura 805 bimmer nation SD brk4euros
Im from NJ and Love to move to SOCAL, where? I like to rent a place for myself for around $500-$800. anywhere?
doode, there are so many 626 peeps up this mofo! i live in the 626whittier area. i know i know whittier is 562, i live in the un-incorporated area. by la puente/covina area
Lol! Yes we have, with epicenter in Redlands. It was even in the news because of the high frequency with which they have been occurring. My wife is all freaked out about it.
You would be VERY hard pressed to find anything anywhere for $500-800! Realisticly, triple those rents , and you could find a place! Sorry dude!
so you're saying a studio apartment will cost me between $1500-$2000 in your area?? BTW I like to move to Northeast of LA county.
For a studio I would say you would be close to $1000-1200 and then the area might be hard liquor and hand gun! Not to mention car insurance , health insurance, and just the cost of living! I'm not trying to talk you out of it by any means, I just want you to know the real cost of living in L.A. it's just not the rent! Don't know what your finances are, but come visit and take a look! If I can help you give me a yell. Bob PS When you say Northeast what area are you talking about?