these are just a few snapshots of the morning after the snow storm we had recently. they were calling for around 12 inches, but i didnt really see more than 6. nonetheless, it was the first substantial snow we've had this winter.
yeah we got pretty lucky. only bad thing was the wind. we were getting gusts at 45+ mph. yeah ive got 845 on it right now.
I hear ya on the wind, we got a dusting but wind was awful that night and the next day up to 50 mph near Baltimore.
I hope the snow stays over that way. We've only gotten one big snow storm here by lake Michigan so far. Supposed to be close to 50 Friday with rain so that will wash away what snow we have left and then make a ice rink on the roads.
its actually more for ice than anything really. but nonetheless, its a pretty handy little tool. works good. i like that the rear end of it also has a little notch cut into it that is for swiping ice off of your wiper blades.