Hi Everyone, I have a customer that's interested in removing smoke odor from her new (used car). she said she had another place look at it and said they used an "ozone bomb", but the smell remains. What does everyone here do with such situations? Thanks, Steve
i havent ran across any smokers really. but a good product I use ( i smoke) is Ozium. Can be found at walmart/pepboys/ or the like. Nota long term product, but does work pretty well imo. its also anti-bacterial. or you could try these: Dakota Odor Bombs
I haven't had great success with odor bombs. If it was my car, I would clean/wipe EVERY interior surface, change the cabin filter, and run a 1Z Klima bottle. I would maintain it with Ozium until the smell is gone or reduced.
OZIUM!!!!!! Im a pretty big cigar smoker, maybe 2 or 3 a day, and the only thing that works is Ozium, Im glad slangauge said it, you can go to any cigar lounge and buy it. It works wonders, I also use a product Ardex makes, "Smoke Out" odor eliminator, which works pretty good too, Just shampoo, then lay on top, which is what I do, But Ozium is a must.
I shoot steam all over the interior and also through the air vents. after this for about 20 minutes the car is odorless and it does not come back. most of my customers are smokers as they work in native american casino godoman
Counteractants Odour Neutralizer / Deodorizing Many odours are caused by micro-organisms such as bacteria, mould, and mildew. First start by cleaning all the interior surfaces; but remember shampooing alone will not eradicate these odours. You eliminate dour-causing organisms with very specialized chemicals. Look for stains, if there are no stains, use the process of elimination; it is very effective when searching for the source of an odour; floor or seats, mats or carpet? If the vehicle has velour upholstery, a spill can penetrate on contact. If it is vinyl or leather, it will run to the deepest seam. Pay special attention to the headliner and all glass surfaces a) Aquartz - CleanAir, an advance high grade air purification coating based on the latest nano-science technology photo catalyst. In the presence of light, active oxygen is formed and excited on the treated surfaces to destroy all micro-sized air pollutants, including petro fumes, smog, diesel smoke, exhaust gases, industrial smoke, chemical off-gassing or VOCs from car fabric, leather and plastic materials, air toxins, cigarette odours, etc. b) PŪRWorld is a spray application deodorizing product (not a cover-up sent); hydroxyl radicals are among the strongest oxidizing species, even much stronger than chlorine, ozone, and peroxide. They act as very powerful disinfecting agents by oxidizing the cells of microorganisms, causing rupture and leakage of vital composition. They accelerate the breakdown by destroying the molecular bonds. This will help combine the organic gases to form a single molecule that is not harmful to humans thus enhance the air cleaning efficiency. Symptom that occurs from prolonged exposure to microbes that grow in automobile interiors, the presence of the microbes causes similar reactions as sick building syndrome. Some of the examples of odour molecules are: tobacco odour, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, urine odour, gasoline, and many other hydrocarbon molecules in the atmosphere. Generally speaking, disinfections by titanium oxides are three times stronger than chlorination, and 1.5 times stronger than ozone treatment. PŪRWorld provides photo catalyst surface coating for long-lasting effects of deodorization, sterilization, and anti-soiling purposes. Using specialized spray-coating equipments, a fine mist of photo catalyst can be applied on different types of surface material that guarantees the maximum result. DrivePur Protection Systems c) Ozium air sanitizer - does not cover up the odours associated with pets, cooking and smoking. The original air purifier is a chemical agent that actually eliminates smoke and unpleasant odours and reduces airborne bacteria. It actually cleanses the air through glycolized action. The glycolized formula acts directly on odour causing particles in the air. Ozium is an EPA registered air sanitizer and is safe to use residentially or commercially in homes, rental property, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, veterinary clinics, restaurants, bars, laundry rooms, cars, mobile homes, offices, and just about anywhere there might be an odour problem. Application method- spray product onto cleaned surfaces, turn the AC to recirculation mode, spray return air ducts (clean or change cabin air filter) allow to run for approx 5 minutes, allow the deodorizer to permeate the various surfaces for about an hour before using the vehicle.
thanks for the tips everyone. it seems to do it properly, you need to do a good interior detail to remove any films on interior plastics and the carpet, and accompany it with a good odor neutralizer. what should I use to clean my carpets? just my favourite carpet shampoo? I read online vinegar does a good job of killing smoke odors. perhaps I should put some of it in the solution chamber of my water extractor (I usually just put water in it).
The key is to make sure you clean all surfaces like most have mentioned, but my favorite odor neutralizer is by far and away Aquartz Clean Air. I liked my sample so much that I ordered a retail sized bottle and just recently put it to the ultimate test; this kid left his car open on the 4th of july which led to people hot boxing it with cigarettes and marijuana. He asked if I had anything that would work so I grabbed my new bottle of Clean Air, sprayed the carpets and seats as well as the cabin filter and let the air conditioner run. Within 30 minutes, the smell was gone.
It's really carpet, leather, and fabric surfaces which absorb cigarette/cigar odors so cleaning them thoroughly is key. Clean the vents out with 1Z Klima Kleaner, and recommend the customer change the cabin filter. Even better to do the 1Z Klima Kleaner after the customer replaces the filter, if this is an option. Shampoo all carpets, leather, and fabric surfaces. I also really like the CG Odor Eater (Green Apple) as it seems to kill the cigarette odors at the source and leaves a fresh green apple scent behind which lasts for a few days and the cigarette odor doesn't come back (I am a cigarette smoker and smoke in my car a couple of times a week).