Question for the Instant Detailer. On the label it states of dilute it 1:3, but I've seen othe ratios on DB. What is everyone using?
1:3, though I've seen some streaking at this ratio. Others have suggested 1:4 to fix that. Also it might be in your best interest to use DI water when making your mix. It'll help solve any issues that your tap water might be adding.
They'll have plenty. Distilled water is about a buck a gallon at HEB. That'll make you a ton of OID. Also remember you can try a 1:3 ratio, and if it doesn't work well you can add a bit more water to bring it up to 1:4.
Get yourself a five gallon plastic jug and fill it at the Glacier vending machine that most HEB's have outside. It only costs $1.50 for 5 gallons of water and it only has 4ppm of minerals. That's the latest reading I got from my TDS meter last week after refilling my jug.