Silk Lined Microfiber Towels For Sale *Deals*

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Handz, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    All towels sold.
  2. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Would you take any trades as well? I have a pretty much new tub of P21S Concours if you're interested. I'll trade it for 1 pack of the blue towels and 1 blue WW if you are down.

    If not, I'll just pick those up from you since you're local to me. Where are you at? I'm in Mission Viejo :)
  3. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    its not the P21S 100% is it?
  4. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Naw, just the one with the blue lid
  5. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    Actually, I already have a tub on P21S Blue Lid, But thanks alot for the offer.

    I am located in Fullerton, If you want you can pick up and skip on shipping since we are local
  6. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Ooo, I actually go to school at CSUF. Though we might not meet up until after my finals end on Dec 18. Hope thats alright. In the meantime, I'll see what else I can trade off and stuff hehe :)

    Please keep a set for me. Thanks!
  7. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    ^ Funny, i actually go to Fullerton College lol
  8. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    nice towel ... i have blue & red one from CG as well ...
  9. CYANiDE

    CYANiDE Virgin Detailer

    How much for the green dozen shipped to 11368?
  10. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    sweet towels i want them all lol.
  11. acc1079

    acc1079 Guest

    PM sent
  12. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    all PM's Replied. If I didnt reply, Let me know!!!
  13. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Time to try again lol. Would you be interested in a twice used Pinnacle Signature Series II or a Dodo Supernatural 2.0 30ml pot for the set of towels?

    On the side note, its raining like no other here :D
  14. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    is the Dodo Supernatural brand new or used twice also?
  15. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Brand new. I bought the Iroku pot shortly after so its just looking pretty by itself right now hehe
  16. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    You got yourself a deal. Any dozen towels you like for the DoDo Juice Supernatural :thumb:
  17. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Sweet. Just a dozen of the normal blue towels and one blue WW is fine. That should equate to the normal price of the SN sample pot since that thing is $30 :thumb:

    Let me know when and where you want to make the trade. Though I'll have to admit that I only know the CSUF campus area by .5 miles around it since I haven't taken the time to explore around yet :doh:
  18. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    This is the Last Shot of the towels before they get shipped out tomorrow. The iPhone is there for reference.

  19. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    The Red WW towels are Sold out.....
  20. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    damn i thought u were gonna throw in the I phone lol thanks for the towels

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