well, this was another mobile detail, but with a twist. i did it at a Fire station! having never been in one boefore it was a cool experience! the firefighters were pretty cool guys to hang out with for the day. anyways, here's the detail of a Porsche Carrera. Exterior: -P21s TAW presoak -CG CWG -CG Waterspot remover (mixed in wash) -CG Gray Clay -ONR lube -Alcohol 50/50 wipedown (after polish) -CG Speedwipe -Stoner's IG Wheels/wells: -P21s Wheel Cleaner Gel -P21s TAW -wesley's Bleche-wite -Simple Green -Meg's Hyperdressing -Mother's Chrome polish Engine: -P21s TAW -CG Fade2Black Interior: -CG Leather Cleaner -Aerospace 303 protectant -Zaino Z10 Correction: -Menzerna SIP via Orange CCS (2 passes) -Menzerna 85RD Via Black CCS -FLEX XC 3401 Protection- CG jetSEAL109 LSP- CG 5050 Enjoy!!! first impressions cn be decieving... dirt was covering the paint and it was overcast, so the swirls didn't look too bad at first... but was i ever in for a treat! After wash and clay: 50/50 after 1 pass of SIP. still not perfect, so it was going to be 2 passes all around before/after SIP After 85RD after re-wash to get out all of the polishing dust FINISHED!!! arrived at 9:30 AM, left at 10:30PM thanks for looking!! :cool!:
Outstanding job on the paint correction...You have her looking sweet...:applause: Question, after the jetseal how long did you wait before putting on the 5050?
:worship2::applause2:very nice...:worship2::applause2: i'm wondering, are those tiny holes left after correction?. It's very visible under heavy lighting. Do you always get that after correction?
:worship2::applause2:very nice...:worship2::applause2: i'm wondering, are those tiny holes left after correction?. It's very visible under heavy lighting. Do you always get that after correction?
Sweet detail, great turn around :applause: Man as I kept on scrolling through the pictures when I saw the interior my eyes opend up even more, gorgeous interior wow :druling: Thank you for sharing eace: