Wow, what a beautiful color! the first i have ever seen! this car was only a few months old. it was taken in for service, and while there, they drove it through the swirl-o-matic car it needed my attention Exterior: -Prewash -P21s TAW -Wash -CG CWG -CG waterspot remover -Dry -CG WW MF towels -Clay -CG Blue Clay -CG SQD lube -Correction -Menzerna SIP via Orange CCS -Menzerna 106FF via Green CCS -FLEX XC 3401 (DA) -Alcohol/H2O wipedown -Protection -CG jetSEAL109 -LSP -CG Pete's 53 -Finish -CG SpeedWipe -Windows -Stoner's Invisible Glass Engine bay -P21s TAW (soaked for a few minutes) -CG Fade2Black -CG SpeedWipe -Exhaust -Mother's Billet polish Wheels -Wheel Wells -Simple Green -EZ detail brush -CG Bare Bones -Wheels -CG Citrus Wheel Cleaner -EZ Detail Brush -Meguiar's #21 sealant -CG SpeedWipe -Tires -Wesley's Bleche-Wite -Meguiar's Hyper Dressing (diluted 1:1) Interior -Leather -CG Leather Cleaner -Zaino Z10 Conditioner -Dash -CG Leather Cleaner -Aerospace 303 protectant -Carpet -CG Lightning Fast -RIGID Wet/Dry vac -Glass -Stoner's Invisible Glass Enjoy! Carpets had some slight stains Spray on CG Lightning fast, scrub, let sit, extract, rinse, extract again After Wash and Clay After Polishing After Re-wash Applied jetSEAL109, then went to work on the interior and wiped down the engine bay while it cured. only after shot of interior that came out good After jetSEAL109 and Pete's 53 i also washed a previous cutsomer's car. it had also been washed at the dealership, but im going back next week to detail it again since it has some minor swirls now. Exterior -Wash -CG Maxi Suds II -Dry -CG Speedwipe -CG WW MF towels Wheels -Wells -Simple Green -Wheels -CG Citrus Wheel Cleaner -CG CWG -EZ detail brush -Tires -Wesley's Bleche-wite -Meguiar's Hyper Dressing (Diluted 1:1) protection from april is still holding strong Wheels were VERY dirty on the inside Finished Thanks for looking!!! SSD
Such great work! And for being a few months old, how on earth can the inside looks so GROTTY??? A shame that SIP had to be used on paint so new!!!
that first BMW is beautiful... i think would look better with darker wheels though... awesome save BTW.... How old are you?!?
thanks! :headbang: yea, it was pretty bad... i love that combination!! it only needed SIP on a few panels. the guy had 2 kids, so thats why it was so nasty... :thumb: thanks! im 18 BTW :crasy: