SCG- Nano Glaze busted bottle

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Cooter, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Hey Guys,
    I got a shipment in from AG. USP delievered it tonight. Well, the bottle was crinched in on the bottom causing a small hole. I think about 2 oz may have leaked out. Do you guys think i should contact their C/S. It might not even be that much. :missy:

  2. GigaFlow

    GigaFlow Two Bucket System Washer

    Yes i think you should.
  3. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    Yes, they will send a new bottle.
  4. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Okay. Thanks guys. I'll send them a email tonight and see if they respond. I've heard good things about them replacing stuff that was damaged in shipping
  5. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    They'll replace anything damaged :)

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    AG has the best customer service ever. Make sure you contact Meghan, anyone else will lag.
  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Yes, call them up and they will make it right!
  8. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    I always went straight to Meghan like FMinus suggested and I received swift replacement product.
  9. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    They at one point replaced a set of MFs three times and let me keep the old ones every time!!!
  10. Whip Appeal Neil

    Whip Appeal Neil Jedi Nuba

    meghan to the rescue!
  11. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    I got an email from AG today. Called them. They asked me a copule of questions about the box and the container. They sent me a new bottle and gave me $9 worth of store credit for my next purchase. Awesome customer service.

  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Nice :applause:

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