Completed yesterday, this new 1M came for new car prep and AQuartz coating and should have been pretty easy as it was new.......................... but hack film wrap company got their hands on it first and caused some damage in the install and removal after the customer requested the wrap be removed due to poor quality. As we just had a rainstorm earlier in the week the vehicle was pretty dirty as it arrived. Start of the wash/decon steps, Sonax FE doing it's thing on the beautiful competition wheels(One of the best OE wheels imo). Some of the marring on the vehicle that needed correction. Rare to see a BMW with factory sand scratches. Defect removed. Removing marring on the tight areas with smaller DA polisher. Damage caused by Film installer. Quick 50/50, one scratch was so deep that it required sanding as evidenced it survived thru making this 50/50 pic. Deep marring removed on rear bumper. Did not want to miss the good sun for pics, finish after all polishing before AQuartz LSP applied. Final glass cleaning and trim dressing was NOT carried out at the time these pics were taken. Back into the shop for AQuartz application, wheels dialed in. Final wipedown of the coating. All done.
Nice work Bob! Greatness as always. How is the 1M? Did you like it? Havent seen any around myself but they do look the tightness. Thanks for sharing Darren
Phil showed me a trick to use a 80PPI pad and a DA polisher to apply the AQuartz and Wolf's Body Wrap that makes a BIG difference, now the finish is the "SlickNESS". :applause2:
Great work as always Bob! I'm amazed that some of these PPF install shops stay in business when they produce such poor quality work. I did a brand new Sonata Hybrid a couple weeks ago, also with very poor film install. Both the brand new film and paint were badly marred! Actually the film looked worse then the paint! :shakehead:
Bob was gracious enough to open his doors and share his knowledge with me for some training over the weekend. Im really thankful to him as it was a great experience in many ways. I learned a ton of info but now its time to practice. Here's some of the pics I snapped: Thanks again Bob I really appreciate all of your help and look forward to doing it again soon.
As Ken mentioned, he came down to the shop for some training with all the gear he picked up from Phil and KBM aka "Buffdaddy", Ken has more detailing tightness than most pro detailers and was a quick study and extremely respectful and grounded. The new Mirka sander/ likey!!! Ken sanding away.... A little rotary action......with the new Flex rotary he picked up from Phil. Using the mirka to polish. Inspecting the work with the "Macdaddy Fenix" led. By the end of the weekend Ken was correcting paint to a high level.
Amazing work it looks great you guys! I am wondering if that trick would work using my PE 14-2 on 600rpm since I don't own a d/a anymore. I am going to be applying Bodywrap to my Mach 1 soon and this would defiantly make application easier of it were to work. What are your thoughts on this Bob?
Thank you for the kind words Bob. I was nothing short of amazing to see Bob in action Just to be clear I didn't do any of the work on the 1M, it is all Bob's hard work. I just snapped a couple of pics.
KenB -- Wow, amazing pictures you took there !!! Between the world-class work by Bob and your awesome photography skills, you guys are amazing together just on this! Great work you were doing on that bottom bumper - what kind of car is that off of? Looks really nice after you finished it Thanks for the time you took to first, drive up or rather, down to Pleasanton, learn from the BEST, work, take pictures, download, upload, edit, and post them bad boys !! It was great !!! Dan F
Thanks Stockdgs. When the subject matter looks that great its hard to mess up It looked so much better in real life though!!! I think the bumper was from a Porsche.