Not sure if this is the right area but I have a question about taking snow off my car. My car is outside at work and (like today) it tends to get covered in snow when it's snow - I know right. So what is the safest way to get rid of that snow and not damage the exterior finish.
I use a squeegee and take off all but the last 1/2" to an inch (as long as it's not frozen/hard chunks) and let the rest fall off with a couple mashes of the throttle. If it's chunky/frozen/hazardous, I take it off piece by piece very carefully.
Find yourself a nice open parking lot, clear off your window and rip a couple 360's. At least that's what I do. Not if there are hardened chunks or ice on my car tho.
clear windows and roof. warm the car up so it melts bottom layer and rest should fall off. just make sure its not ice so it doesnt fly up and hits other drivers. maybe rinse it off with water when you get home. how ta hell you get show on the car when it snows outside? that is the weirdest thing i ever heard lol