Rubber Dub Tire Dressing

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by rom, Nov 29, 2009.

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  1. rom

    rom Virgin Detailer

    Have any of you guys tried this??

  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I'm going to be money on the fact that no one has.
  3. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

  4. rom

    rom Virgin Detailer

    Uhh ?? What? Just asking your opinion ?
    Its not like you can buy it ?

    Sorry if I have offended
  5. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    i would depending on the price and quality
  6. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    You should consider sending out samples if you are serious.
  7. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    i wouldn't mind trying a sample size
  8. rom

    rom Virgin Detailer

    OK so here goes...... Who would like a sample?

    HANG ON HANG ON. I will send out 3 Samples only..... To the first 3 detailers who will.

    1 Test it
    2 Advise us wether or not it sould be made available in the USA
    3 Write about it on here
    4 Go to the contact us page on the website and email thier details.

  9. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I'd like to, but I'm at school and I wouldn't be a good candidate. I think we should vote for who gets to try it. Some of us have a lot more experience and would be better at it.
  10. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    I will test it you if you would like me to
  11. rom

    rom Virgin Detailer

    Email your delivey details. The first 3 get to try it

    Contact Us
  12. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    I vote for this. I for one have tried plenty of tire and rubber dressings, but there are people who have tried more. Someone like d00t has been through the lot.
  13. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    I think he should consider paying to be a sponsor first before thinking about sending samples and doing business on DB (sending samples is promoting your product to sell). :spank: Not to mention he is posting the links to his site. :spank::spank::spank:
  14. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Luis hit it right on the spot.
  15. rom

    rom Virgin Detailer

    Sorry guys I thought as we are in the UK and the product isnt available in the States that it wouldnt hurt.

    I dont wish to offend anyone and if I have broken any rules then please delete this thread as I dont want to upset anyone who is paying to be on here.

    Once again sorry

    :spank: :picture: :gasp: :sorry:
  16. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    You work for this company (or own it), yet with a sly initial post (I think this was your second one) try to advertise your own product.

    Not a good first impression.
  17. rom

    rom Virgin Detailer

    OK I think I have got the message and have already appologised

    :sorry: yet again
  18. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

  19. rom

    rom Virgin Detailer

    You have got it so wronge ????????? The plates are just some fun.

    Wow you guys are so serious... Look I am sorry for the Rubber Dub post as it is a product that is for sale... But I do not sell it. I am a product developer and just like to get feed back from you experts. Now please stop bumping this thread and getting me into trouble

    Thank you :sorry: :sorry: :sorry: :sorry: :sorry:
  20. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    bROMoco? LOL.
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