i was bored on Saturday so decided to do something. i like to clean my wheels in between washes and usually use MF towel for that but its pita to do couse it takes like 5 min to do whole wheel so i got idea from rubbishboy finger wax applicator and did it for wheels i had foam and bad mf towels that i could not use for paint or anything else so i took one 16x16 towel, cut it in half and sew it from 2 sides to create pocket (needless to say my mom was surprised finding sewing machine in my room lol). then i put foam in it and used it as glove. works great. so much faster to clean wheels now. what you think. does somebody makes something like this?
adapt and overcome. i like the idea. being innovative and creative is a very good thing, even in detailing. if something makes your work easier and faster, good to go. work smarter not harder. nice work Mike
semper fi rog :mounty: oh and i like this idea too. very creative. if i could sew i would probably do it.
that was doing it first time. had to figure out how to put string in machine and stuff. i could have just took needle and did it manually but i wasnt that bored lol