I've been very busy the last few weeks and part of it was organizing a complete makeover for my garage. I was so excited to get this done!! I have spent A LOT of time investigating floor coverings and finally made up my mind. I didn't go with the tiles like Corey did due to our Canadian winters. I don't want water and crappy runoff from the winter getting trapped underneath them. I ended up going with a Polyaspartic coating. What is that you ask? It's a newer version of a 2 stage epoxy paint that was actually invented by Bayer aspirin. The advantages of it over epoxy are several. It's 4X's stronger, it does not fade from UV (a big plus for me!) and it cures much faster than epoxy. I chose a 4 layer coating with 2 base coats of gray, a layer of different colour paint chips (gray, black and white) as well as a clear coat on top with an anti-slip texture built into it. I got a great deal on it and was very, very happy with the outcome. Check out the condition of the floor before. I had coated it with epoxy about 9 years ago and it did not hold out well at all. Turns out they now recommend a COMPLETELY different preparation approach than what was suggested 9 years ago. I've shown you enough, eh? Really needed attention, didn't it?!? Here are the results after having the floor painted: Then I looked at the walls. The house is 10 years old and the walls looked it. I've had brushes dripping stuff down, scuff marks, etc. We decided to paint the walls and ceiling since we had the garage empty anyway. I chose an exterior paint that can be washed down and is very durable. Here is the finished product before moving everything back into the garage. I am very, very happy with the makeover. The walls are so much brighter now that they should really help reflect the light more too. Here it is with the walls painted.
LMAO at the banner! I should take a big red pen and write "BANNED" across it, LOL!! Thanks for the comments about the garage; I'm very proud of how it turned out!
Nice. Very nice. My garage floor looks just like that. I did it about ten years ago myself and it looks almost new through many years of use. Well worth it.
Love it. Did you have the floor done by someone or do it yourself? How fast does it dry? Can you do it in stages? (one bay, one day, another bay the next day?)
Nice floor Richy! It looks really good! I've been looking at doing this myself in my garage, what is the cure time?
Looks great Richy. We've yet to finish our garage, but my dad brought home some type of rubberized paint from work that is water proof for the walls. Should be interesting.
Since I did not do it myself, I cannot answer some of those questions. It dries in hours. As far as in stages, I'm not sure. You have to prepare the floor with a diamond grinder prior to coating, so I'm thinking you'd do it all at once. Like with paint, PREP IS THE KEY!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks great!!! I have done this epoxy a few times now and as you and others have said, PREP IS IMPERATIVE!! Can't tell you how many people I have run into that have done this with terrible results, but simply because they didn't clean and prep right. Take your time. Prep should take the majority of the time. I love race deck too
That looks awesome Richy !! I need to do mine one of these days. I pretty sure I'm going the race deck route.
Thanks for the comments guys! The Race deck did not appeal to me for water being trapped underneath in winter. I also drag a floor jack across the floor, use jack stand, etc and figured the polyaspartic would be stronger. Both look very nice and the RD requires no prep like the other does. The side lights are great! I've got to re-install mine tonight as I have a car coming this weekend I need them for. PM sent on company info.
Looks great!!...just settling on a house and I CAN NOT wait to get in the garage and make it perfect for detailing and product storage for my business. My parents have a lesser quality version of racedeck and there are puncture marks from dropping tools and such so I will either go with a coating or a rubber tile floor. yet to be decided.
Looks amazing. I have a older coating called Muscle Gloss. I think they have since gone out of business, for good reasons, it didnt hold up very good. It's faded and chipped in a few places, and it's an ice skating rink with any drop of water. . I went with beige, but I really wish I went with your color, it looks so much nicer. Great looking garage. I'll bet it's gonna be fun to hang out in there. Edit: they are still in business, but yours still looks nicer.
Thanks for the comments guys! I did my first detail in my "new" garage which I'l be posting up in a bit.
Looks great. Not sure what is left in your budget, but this wall system is the best thing I did in my garage. Keeps everything off the floor and saves so much space. It's not cheap, but well worth the investement. I attached some pics. It's called slatwall