Like the title says: I have three yellow riccardo clay bars, im looking specifically for green sonus clay. Three for Three straight trade. Sorry I dont need any other types of clay at this moment. FYI, im in the US too. LOL
I'm sure it isn't too difficult to mail it over? I'd rather give up Riccardo for all the other great deals our bro's get south of our border!
US Border Customs can seize it as it infringes patent laws down there could always treat it as playdoh or artisan clay tho
just letting astro know =p i'd send u some if i was closer to the border but sadly im not and i'm lazy driving long distances
I sent it in a letter envelope. No customs declaration at all... Easy peasy. I believe the law is you can't sell it, well in that case it was a gift
Looks like I'm going to start to traffic Riccardo...Jk Jk. It's definitely just another option for clay, it isn't the "best" imo.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that they have restrictions as to what clay could be imported into what country....cmon's just some clay lol.
Some fool filed some lawsuit so its precluded, its actually easier for me to make a phone call and get a full auto rifle, 2 pounds of coke and a hooker then it is for me to get this clay which is plain stupid.
Who checks these packages? I'm surprised customs are even aware of detailing clay.... hell, before I got interested in detailing all I did was wash and my car and it looked better then all the others on the block. I didn't even know clay existed.... who the hell do they have working over there at the customs who knows their shit about detailing clay?.... Paul Dalton?
!@#$ I just checked my cupboard and realized that I'm all out of green clay. I woulda traded you :doh:
Kilo if you could share that phone # with me and your contact, I'd be most appreciative? I could use some or all of those items. Feel free to PM me if you like. TIA :laughing: