I received this a couple weeks back and actually beta tested the same day I got it. Unfortunetly iv'e just been super busy with my shop opening and getting set up, to sit down and write a decent review. Lets get started, PRODUCT: Poorboy's World Glass Cleaner PRICE: ??? CLAIM: Poorboy's Glass Cleaner makes easy cleaning of glass products, leaving a streak free finish quickly. Removes: Dust, Dirt, Finger Prints, and more. STREAK FREE FORMULA USE IN THE SUN NO AMMONIA USE IN THE SHADE NO ALCOHOL USE ON GLASS & MIRRORS DIRECTIONS: Spray Liberally on the glass surface to be cleaned. Using a soft absorbant cloth, preferably high quality microfibre cloth, wipe in a back and forth motion and turn cloth and buff as needed. If cloth becomes to damp and streaking occurs, change to a dry, clean microfibre cloth. (Wrote exactly from bottle, microfiber mispelled?) Now, ill let the pictures do some of the story telling :inspector: Conclusion: All in all, a great product from Poorboy's, and a nice addition to the arsenal. I mean yes its just glass cleaner, but the STREAK FREE IN THE SUN is what i'm sold on. If you work in the sun a lot, then i'd recommend this 100% - Colin @ Colin's Auto Detailing