Reserved Space: Makita Rotary and 3M Backin Plate

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Dust2Glory, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Well next tuesday I will be ordering my Makita and 3M backing plate!!! So I figured I would go ahead and get the post started:applause2:

    I am definately getting my BP from Phil at DD:afro:

    However, I was looking online and found a stellar deal on the makita at

    Basically you get the roatry, bag, a foam pad and a wool pad!!! All for $169.99 plus shipping... and I did alot of looking and I can't find anyone who can compete with that price!!!

    Pics will post as soon as I get the stuff... but I was too excited not to tell anyone!!!
  2. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    So this is your first rotary machine?
  3. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

  4. zoomzoom mazda5

    zoomzoom mazda5 Wax on..Wax off

    Also seen it at Coastal Tool for 169.00.

    MWAUTOPRO Jedi Nuba

    Well you can buy it elsewhere for less but if you buy from DD you know who it is from and you know you have someone standing behind their product. Also it is someone who sponsors this great forum...

    I have bought numerous polishers from different vendors due to pricing and after having a faulty flex from DD and Phil handling it handling it promptly and without question I will never buy another polisher else where. He runs a top notch business and his customer service/support is the the best I have ever seen.
  6. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Makita with a 3M bp is a great combo. Your going to love it!
  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Where is the link?
  8. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Here you go P1et. :thumb:
  9. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

  10. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Listen bro you don't have to sell me on Phil, I already love his CS... however, running a business sometimes you have to have the best deal, which in this case is Amazon. I spoke with Phil about it and he told me to buy the polisher from Amazon and that is was a great deal:headbang:
  11. 1f1fan

    1f1fan Birth of a Detailer

    You will love the Makita and the 3M bp!

    Why not take advantage of Phil's 4th of July sale and save 18% on the Polisher and BP? You are already buying the bp from him so you are already paying shipping. The bag would be nice to have....not sure about the pads....just a thought.
  12. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    it's only $2 cheaper, and I would get free shipping from Amazon... shipping for the rotary and BP would outweigh savings
  13. 1f1fan

    1f1fan Birth of a Detailer

    That makes sense....enjoy the new purchase.
  14. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    early congrats!!!
  15. Usjdmtuner

    Usjdmtuner Wax on..Wax off

    yes i bought mine on Amazon fairly cheap with bag and wool pads... but Phil sells them too for a good price... just be careful handling the machine because the cord can rotate alot and my wire got loose.. I have to contact makita for advice is tape it with electrical tape from where the extension starts about 12 inches so it doesnt get twisted.... i definitely love my MAKITA...
  16. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    You won't have any problems with the 9227, I have had mine for a while and the guy at the repair depot said he has had one returned to him in 4 years
  17. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Hope you got it on time because it is now $189.99 at Amazon.
  18. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    yeah I saw that... I have a place locally where I can get dealer price... $175
  19. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    its still $169 at coastaltool
  20. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Thats a nice machine, one day I will step up to the plate

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