Its been quite a while since I did a writeup of our detailing work - we've still been detailing (more than usual at the moment actually ), but with interview prep recently I haven't had much time to write things up and I don't like to just put up a few pics here and there, I prefer a detailed writeup Got more time now though so this will be the first of a few of our recent details to be posted up :thumb: Used Gordon's compact camera for pics on this detail as my SLR was loaned to my family as they needed a good camera for a weekend. But managed to get the compact to work for me (just! :lol The car in question is a solid white Renault Clio 198 picked up new by the owner from the dealer a few weeks before. The owner was concerned with a few swirl marks that wer eon the car from new and also some deeper scratches where the dealer had removed stickers from the car with what looked like a razor blade or knife... After full washing and claying (amazing what you remove from a new car by claying!), it was time to assess the paintwork. As is tradition for Gordon and I's details, I start off on the bonnet and Gordon off down one of the sides - having spent a lot of detailing hours together, you get into a rhythm of working and the company is always enjoyable when behind a polisher Starting off on the bonnet and we could see some general light swirs on the paintwork... The light swirls were easily corrected and refined in one stage using Meguiars #205 Ultra Finishing Polish on a 3M Yellow Polishing pad, but the consistent RDS on the bonnet from the dealer sticker removal warranted more aggressive correction across the board. Menzerna PO85RD3.02 Intensive Polish on a Chemical Guys Hexlogic Green Heavy Polishing Pad was chosen for across the bonnet and around the badge plastic upper panel, applied as follows: Spread the polish at 600rpm Beg Begin working at 1200rpm Work at 1500 - 1800rpm with moderate pressure until residue goes clear No refinement was carried out at this stage, this was saved for a dedicated finishing polish stage. Some deeper RDS were locally spot corrected using 3M Fast Cut Plus on a 3M Green Cutting pad (3"), working at 2000rpm with firm pressure. Refinement was carried out using Meguiars #205 Ultra Finishing Polish... recent reports suggest filling capability of this product, not something I've personally experienced unless the work time is too short or the work area is too big or too heavy pressure is used for the refining stages of the set (which can happen accidentally over contours if you are unaware of pressure points on the pad). So a full IPA wipedown was carried out panel by panel, after which the after shots were taken... #205 was applied as follows: Spread at 600rpm Begin working at 1200rpm, light pressure Work at 1500rpm, moderate pressure to work the abrasives in the product for correction Refine at 1200rpm, light pressure to reduce cut from the abarsvies and refine the finsih Burnish at 900rpm, supporting weight of the rotary to final refine the finsih and ensure finish is as perfect as possible without relying on any filling effects The end results of correction and refining on the bonnet: Meanwhile, Gordon got started on the side of the car - less RDS here but still some light swirls... Down this side, a combination of Intensive Polish where required and Meguiars #205 was used for correction and refining to give the following results... Down the driver's side, the story was much the same ... Light to moderate swirls in places with the odd deeper RDS. Across the car Meguiars #205 really came into its own, as by simply varying between polishing and finishing pads and changing work tme and pressures, the product could be adapted to the requirements of the paint set by set. Only on occasions was Intensive Polish used for extra bite along the sides, and all regions were refined using Meguiars #205. Full IPA wipedowns used throughout to ensure no filling effects from the polishes. Driver's side before: Afters... The gloss black mirror backs were treated using Meguiars #205 on a 3" blue finishing pad. Before: After: After machine polishing, the car was given a final IPA wipedown just to be doubly sure there was no filling effects on the paintwork. The paint was then protected using Collinite 476S wax, known for its durability Tyres were dressed with RD50 while wheels protected with FK1000P. Glass cleaned with Stoner Invisible Glass After shots, taken inside the unit as (as per usual for our details :lol it was dark when we finished! Apollogies for the slightly shorter than normal writeup here, but normal service will resume with the upcoming writeups of our recent work over the next few days (and all with my own SLR camera as well )