Looking to get rid of a few things here and consolidate my collection because it's getting out of control haha. Please note these prices do not reflect shipping. Offers are accepted. I'd like to offer a few package deals. #1. Surf City Garage LSP Package Surf City Garage Nano Seal & Nano Glaze 7.5oz of both (15oz total) This stuff leaves behind a really nice gloss. Also a 16oz of Barrier Reef Carnauba Wax. Opened, never used. I'll let this package go for $35, all three. #2. Chemical Guys Package Vertua-Bond 408 and Jetseal 109 Jetseal about 50%, Vertua-Bond about 60%. Everyone knows the merits of Jetseal, but Vertua-Bond preps the surface for Jetseal and offers longer durability. It also helps Jetseal bond to odd surfaces like glass and fiberglass, carbon fiber, etc. It has light cleaning ability. Both can be had for $30 and comes with a 1oz sample of Guru Wax, which is relabeled CG 50/50. This would make a great 3 step process. #3. Spray Package 18oz of CG Blitz Acrylic Spray (like JW AJT) and 16oz JW Carnauba Jett Trigger. Never got around to trying Blitz, but I hear it lasts long and is stupid easy to apply, good for lighter colored paints. Jeff's Werkstatt CJT is actually pretty nice stuff. I used it on my mom's black Expedition and it had a nice glow to it. Not to mention it is stupid easy to apply. I'll let this package go for $25. #4. Small Sample package I think this would be a fantastic package for someone who wanted to try some rarer stuff but doesn't feel like shelling out the cash to get all of the products in full sizes, ESPECIALLY since there are no manufacturers who sell all these products. ~1oz Migliore Frutta 1oz Bilt Hamber Auto Balm 1oz Dodo Juice Supernatural 1oz Dodo Juice Lime Prime Lite ~1oz Opti-Seal 8oz CG Butter Wet Wax 2oz Blackfire Wet Diamond 3oz 1z Glanz Wax 2oz Duragloss 111 2oz Victoria's Red ~8oz Klasse Sealant Glaze This is a hell of a combo pack. Given the price of Dodo Juice Supernatural and Vics Red, I'll let this whole package go for $60. I should have more stuff on the way as soon as I bring it all home.
Well I'd have to be able to see at a molecular level for that lol. J/K, but it felt like Jetseal was a tad easier to apply, if at all. I can't comment on durability because I usually strip stuff and reapply new stuff rather quickly. The premise behind it is the same as DG 501, it cleans the paint to make the surface easier to bond with. I've read some reports about it increasing the durability, but I can't say so for myself.
That sample package should sell quickly. It's a great deal for a bunch of good products. Good luck with the sale!