I had a s2k in for a 1 step correction detail! overal the paint was not into bad of shape and got some good correction out of it with just the one step hood was covered in sap
lol my girlfriend has the yellow one and I have the white one. I actually got the svt focus and the red s2k from the norcal srt4 forum that I am on lol. I have a black srt 4 this weekend booked for a full correction this weekend and I cant wait to get my hands on it
Very impressive for a one step with the products you used. I hope to try and get the same level of correction on silver TSX the next time around.
Tinted clear coat? Looks like fantastic correction, and you really brought the best out of that sweet car!
Honestly Think the car was repainted? There was a little over spray on the windows and some on the tires. The owner said he has no idea if the car was repainted