Reasonably priced Waffle Weave

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by TLMitchell, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. TLMitchell

    TLMitchell Birth of a Detailer

    ::posted here n there::

    Let me start by saying I don't need a super-absorbent drying towel because I use the removeable blower from my Shop Vac to blow off most of the water after a wash.. nice cuz it gets the crevices, nooks and crannys as well as residual water around trim pieces. I end by wiping down the windows then blotting any residual water left on the finish before moving to jambs and under the hood.

    I used a friend's Cobra Guzzler and found it to be most excellent. However, 20 bucks for a WW when I didn't need that kind of capability is a little stout, IMO. In my search for something a bit more economical I picked up a couple of Meguiar's Water Magnets for around 9 bucks. Worked perfectly for me and you might even get away with just using one towel if you're completely drying a whole car. At 22x30 they're a bit smaller than the Guzzler, not *quite* as plush.... pretty darn good for half the price though.

    Since I'd like to have a bunch of these on hand so I don't have to wash 'em so often I sniffed around the Web and found a place called Erie Cotton Products that manufactures or distributes a wide variety of towels, rags and microfiber. They have a Waffle Weave towel the same size as the Guzzler, 24x36, for $9.95 and discounts for quantities.

    They also have some smaller MF Waffle Weaves that are a lot more economical. They're a bit smaller, 16x25, and were perfect for my uses. Best part is they sell in 6-packs for $24.30. These are also available discounted with purchase of 5 or more 6-packs.

    I've been using the 6 WW towels I purchased for about a month and washed them numerous times. While they don't *quite* measure up to the Cobra Guzzler they're comparable to Meguiar's offering. And at a bit over 4 bucks a pop they're darn economical and perfect for my usage. Using standard MF laundering techniques they clean up perfectly and remain soft and absorbent.

    Shippping is a bit pricey because they use FedEx, it cost 10 bucks to get the 6 towels I purchased the 100 miles to me in 2 days. Probably be more economical for larger orders but I still only had around 6 bucks delivered into each towel.

    Gotta give these towels 2 thumbs up for value and performance. Usual disclaimer, I have no interest in the recommended vendor, your mileage may vary, yada, yada, yada....

  2. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    I found that the Cobra WWs were great when new but after only a few washings they were quite disappointing. I don't even use mine anymore except to buff off window cleaner when clenaing windows. For drying my two favorite MFs aren't even WWs. I love the Miracle Dryer from Chemical Guys. The only downside to it is it is quite large. Almost too large to be useful so I had a seamstress I know cut it in half and stitch up the area she cut and it is now the perfect size and I have 2. I also love the huge Vroom drying towel from Target. I was very impressed with these MFs and they are less than $9 each.Again very large so I cut them in half and they work great. After many many many washings both the CGs Miracle Dryer and the Vroom Drying MF work as well as the day they were brand new.

    Now I will say that I'm like you TL in that I don't dry my whole car with these. I use my leaf blower to get 90% of the water off and then go back with these drying towels to get any water that's left.
  3. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I agree in full, my Cobra WW is like stuff now, even after fabric softener. I got the Amazing Dryer from Justin though, and I'm pretty impressed so far.
  4. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Yeah that thing is great. I've got two of them myself.

    I've yet to try the leaf blower trick. I'm a little fearful that I'll get in a hurry and whack the car with the end of it.
  5. jake_b

    jake_b Obsessive Detailer

    have you guys tried carrand drying MF towel. costs about $10 in pepboys and IMO is a very good towel. it's thick and does the job pretty well. it has gone a many washes already and it still performs well.
  6. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    I love the Dehydrator from eShine. I have used it for a little under a year and it still performs great. Plus if you get the 20"X40" when there on sale for $10.00 it's a great deal.
  7. Dontsleeponit

    Dontsleeponit Jedi Nuba

    The $10 WW mf towel called "california drying towel" from ADS is the softest drying towel Ive ever seen. And I have quite a few different ones. Very nice silk edges too, it's a bargain.
  8. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    i have these LARRY SUPER SOFT WAFFLE WEAVE TOWELS. there great !!! the only problem is when you go buy them the owner larry talks to you for 4 hours !!!!:drinking2:
  9. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I use the WW drying towels from DD.
    Gotta try the Vroom one from Target.
  10. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    still sticking with detailer's domain and cg..i love those ww's they rock.. and why cheap out on a drying towel? they last for years and years.. the on'es from dd look like new after 30+ 90 minute washes.
  11. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I have quite a few different waffle weave towels, the Cobra ones were the worst and aren't use any longer. They just smear water all over the place.

    The CG ones are very good, but my favorites are the Sonus Der Wunder towels.
  12. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I buy all my WW drying towels from Patrick at Excel Detail. His WW's are comparable in price to the ones you have listed. They're pretty soft too.
  13. odgaard

    odgaard Birth of a Detailer

  14. racersky

    racersky Jedi Nuba

  15. racersky

    racersky Jedi Nuba

    You wouldn't happen to know where in target this will be would you? I went to target during lunch and I couldn't find it. I asked a sales associate about it and the dude looked at me as if I wasn't speaking Engrish to him lol
  16. musc

    musc Jedi Nuba

    I'm with purplewidow on this one...drying towels aren't an item where I would save money at the expense of quality. I am sure some of the less expensive towels are good quality, just have to be careful what you get. In the long run, you may save money with a premium towel by having to replace it less often.

    I use the red Uber WW from DetailersDomain. I have washed mine probably 25+ times and they still are soft and dry great, just as good as new. If you want to save some money, you can always stock up on WW towels around the Holiday sales! I had the same disappointing experience with the Cobras as well.
  17. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

  18. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    My two favorites at this point are the Sonus Der Wunder towel, and The Rag Shack's Waffle Weave Drying towel.
  19. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    I just received the Rag Shack WW Towel, and honestly, the Vroom towel did better. The WW just smeared water all over the place and streaked. I don't know if it was because I didn't wash it or not. I'm going to pick up some MF Detergent from Ken (911Fanatic) and give it a wash and see what they're like. Hopefully they're as good as everyones says they are. Also, the Rag Shack Super Fly towels are AMAZING! I love them, buffing off Collinite 845 was a breeze:thud:. Thanks Justin!
  20. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Try the Waffle Weaves from Pakshak, you will be very happy with those.

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