Rboe, teach me how to apply

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by TONY MONTANA, Nov 23, 2009.


    TONY MONTANA DB Forum Supporter

    just got my order of rboe in today and finally i get to try it im excited to see what all the hype is about. people werent lying when they said this stuff is hard as a rock which brings me to my question i wanted to know everyones method on how to apply this stuff to the paint. the more people chiming in with there different methods the better thanks
  2. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

    they have a PDF on how to apply it on their website :)

    TONY MONTANA DB Forum Supporter

    i know, but i know that people also have there own methods just wanted to see what works for other people incase the method on the rb website doesnt work that great for me :headbang:
  4. kaiten408

    kaiten408 Jedi Nuba

    I too would be interested in any other methods people use. Their .pdf makes it seem like a lot of work for a wax, I could easily grab the P21s and go to town.
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    so whats so special about this wax? its only like $70
  6. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    Some people put it on by hand, I have a couple times and I definitely used more when I did, but it was so much fun!

    I usually heat it up in the sun (or under a lamp) to help soften it up, then I use a red foam applicator and put it on as thin as possible. I'll let it cure for 30 minutes to an hour. Then remove the residue. It's a ton of work. I won't lie. I feel like it's worth it though.
  7. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

  8. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Best way I apply it:

    Keep my halogen lights on and put the pot under it for a few mins and it heats up pretty nice...rub the applicator on the surface and spread it on nice a n thin...pretty muse use lifemal's method. Best thing for removal is use a nice short nap MF to remove it and use a low movement at first to get rid of most of it and then a final buff.

    TONY MONTANA DB Forum Supporter

    i dont know (yet) but i do know alot of people highly recommend this wax and think of it like this if its only 70 bucks and its as good as people say it is then thats a bargin compared to other waxes
  10. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    RBOE seems to be the "flavor of the month" right now. Last it was BHAB. RBOE is a great wax and will have a solid place in my arsenal. I cannot for the life of me get rid of this damned bhab.

    TONY MONTANA DB Forum Supporter

    i dont remember bhab being the flavor of the month but i do remember giving in and buying the victoria red when it was hot a couple of months ago, still a good wax to have though
  12. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Here's what I do.

    1. Scrape up some with a spoon, as Ben's instructions describe. A small amount, maybe the size of a nickel
    2. Soften it up with my thumb, pressing the wax into the palm of my hand
    3. Rub it between both hands to smoothly distribute it between my hands
    4. Spread over the panel thinly. When you feel like you're "out" of wax, get the remaining amount out from between your fingers, if there is any
    5. Repeat until the whole car is coated

    The removal process is where a lot of people seem to do it differently...here's mine:

    1. Give the wax at least half an hour to cure; I give it about an hour
    2. Buff a first time, with a nice MF towel, but not one of those ridiculous towels that only bunches up in your hands. This step isn't meant to remove *all* of the extra wax, just most of it.
    3. Go back and buff a second time with whatever plush MF towel you like. If necessary, use a QD to aid in removal. I prefer to use something like Meg's Final Inspection, or whatever other QD you've got that doesn't try to add anything to the finish. ONR would work here too.

    Is this stuff more work than some other LSPs? Sure it is. If you're after ease of use as your first priority, try Werkstat AJT. But if you're going for looks first, and are willing to spend a little extra time to get those looks, this is the stuff. I've gone on record saying that RBOE looks every bit as good as Vintage (which I have a sample of), and I stand by that assertion. Additionally, I have a 100% success rate when applying RBOE to customer cars. They always, always comment on how "deep" the paint looks, how it "shimmers," words like that. From customers who are not detailers. That, right there, is a heck of an endorsement.

    If you don't like the wax, I'll buy it. :lol:
  13. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I don't really think RBOE is a flavor of the month thing really. I think some people don't like the apply/removal process and just get tired of it. There is someone lurking around waiting for this wax to be sold by another member.
  14. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Step 1: Send me RBOE
    Step 2: I will make video of me applying RBOE
    Step 3: Buy another pot of RBOE

  15. Brian N

    Brian N Jedi Nuba

    I believe RBOE was in hot demand before BHAB and if it is in still in hot demand. That should mean it's much more than a "fad." As I ordered mine over a year ago when it was "popular" back then, and I still love it.

    Sorry I just believe that RBOE deserves to be called much more than a "flavor of the month."
  16. littlemissGTO

    littlemissGTO Welcome to Detailing

    This is pretty much how I apply and remove my RBOE.
  17. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I love RBOE, I've been using it for a while, before this boom. I'm just saying that there seems to be a "popular wax of the month" here at DB. About a month ago BHAB was the hot shit. Now there seems to be a larger than normal (or at least more public) demand for RBOE. I know several people have used it regardless, but I haven't seen this much demand for it yet. Hence (jokingly) calling it the "flavor of the month." I use it, I love it. It's a great wax. I had a permanent spot in my arsenal, as it's had for a while now.

    TONY MONTANA DB Forum Supporter

    Well i hope you guys are right i hope rboe is here to stay i cant afford to keep buy new waxes every month
  19. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

    so i've tried to wax by hand my audi twice and both time resulted in my calluses scratching the shnikes out of the paint. :(

    on my SRT8 it is fine (or so faint i can't see them)

    how do you guys with workings mans hands wax by hand? (for the record i work a desk job but go to the gym daily for my dose of callus making)
  20. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

    tony. i have found the world of Sample Pots :)

    semi addicting at first :)

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