Im doing a detail this weekend and need an APC. Im going to Home Depot tomorrow to pick up some sprayers. But my main concern is an APC to clean carpets and engine bays. It seems like ZEP is highly used. Whats the difference between Citrus and Purple? and which one should I get for what Im going to be using it for Thanks guys.
what other stores do you have near you that have APC's? I have never used Zep but have been wanting to try it out. Problem is on the label it says not to use for automotive stuff but people here have done so widely with great success. I believe that Zep Purple is stronger then the citrus and is probably not recommended for interior work. What are you planning to use the APC for?
I have Home Depot and Loews. I plan on using it for cleaning engine bays and interior mats to get stains out and such. Should I dilute it for carpets? Pretty new to this stuff so any pointers for cleaning carpets would be great. And something quick lol
i would dilute it for carpets for sure. If you want some pretty decent carpet stuff try Folex which can be purchased from Lowes and then grab yourself some Zep Citrus for stuff like: engine bay, tires, wheel wells and maybe some interior stuff. I would not use Zep on anything like leather though but that is just my 0.02 cents on that one.
You should be fine with Zep Citrus ... I used 10:1 for light interior cleaning and 3:1 for exterior pre-soaking and engine cleaning. I have used 3:1 for really filthy carpets without any issues (made sure they were rinsed good) I have used zep purple to clean tires and that's about it. It's stronger than citrus, but citrus should be the only you APC you need.
same here, im hook on to Zep citrus via foam trigger. dilution at 3:1 for maintaining my wheels n carpet. one ounce in my foam gun to strip wax. I also have CG grime reaper n P21 Autowash. so far Zep citrus wins in term of price and usability. tools: air pressure sprayer, spray bottle with foam trigger, detail brush and uber boar's hair wheel brush wet my wheels applied Zep cirtus 3:1 via foam trigger within couple mins, its clean w/o any water runoff
anyone use either zep citrus or purple for wheel wells? it's just sush a value, i'm hoping to be able to use it for as much as possible.
Zep Citrus is my go-to product for well wheels. You can use Zep Purple with no issues either. Use a boar brush to scrub the wheel wells after pre-soak of Zep Citrus. You should be able to remove a lot of grime.
I have both. I've been using Zep for over a year and have turned a lot of people onto it. The purple is some strong makes you cough using it. I use it on tires and love what it does to them. The Citrus is an amazing product. Like Gianni suggested, use it 10:1 for interior work and I use it 4:1 for wheels, wheel wells, engines, etc. Ignore the warnings about using on paint..just be sensible and don't let it dry on there, that's all.
I'm +1 on the Folex for any interior carpet/upholstery stains. My first time using it (undiluted) over the past week to clean up a rather filthy ML320 and I was very pleased with the results. Had no issues with any bleeding during the process. However, judging from the overwhelming response to the Zep Citrus, I may have to give this product a test run my next E320 wagon I've got lined up! I'm still up in the air about purchasing a LGM to tackle the interiors though.