Project car for future Show and Shine

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by cwcad, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. cwcad

    cwcad Birth of a Detailer

    This is my new project vehicle. I was not going to post this up but Dust2Glory made a request and I promised I would post a picture of my new/used ride. It has a lot of dings and rust but I am going to take the time this winter and learn how to sand and paint all the rust spots. I am looking forward to see if I can make it look a little better.

    This is how it looked the first day I purchased it.

  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is one PIMP ride, I love it!
  3. cwcad

    cwcad Birth of a Detailer


    It looks good from across the street but when you walk up to it you see paint failure spots and rust on most of the raised edges and roof pillars. Plus the fabric on the roof is cracked and showing wear. I think it will be fun to try and get it to look a little more presentable. Although it may be hard to match the paint since it is so oxidized. Only time will tell.
  4. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    I would love to have a car like that! Always fun with projects! Nice buy :)
  5. cwcad

    cwcad Birth of a Detailer

    You know it is funny you should say that. I initially purchased the car for my step-son to drive to school and to a part time job that he has yet to get. The day that I bought it he stated catagorically that he was embarrassed by that car, he would not ever drive that car and I purchased it for me instead of him. So I am going to sell my 2003 Black Chevy pickup and work on this vehicle and save some money as well.

    My step-sons actions and accusations are going to save me a lot of money over the next few years in inurance alone. At present it costs 200 dollars a month to insure a 16 year old in Texas on just one car. This will allow me to purchase anything I need to get this car looking pretty good over the next few years.
  6. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    that is going to be sweet when it is done. :) Get a rotary and something heavy to it ASAP. Maybe M02+wool pad.
  7. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    He said that? I would drive that car to school, and be proud of it!

    It would be nice to have a project, so I could work on it in weekends etc. Nothings is like getting a car back in shape! And it dosen`t look that bad!

    His loss, and your gain!
  8. cwcad

    cwcad Birth of a Detailer

    Ya, he said that. In fact he went so far as to say that I should have consulted him so he could ok the purchase of a car for him.
  9. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Goodness, you should cut your step-son off and save it for your "little detailer" so he can drive it in a few years!!!

    Just don't turn it into a donk, box or bubble!
  10. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    over all the car looks to be in decent shape..i owned the same car but the one i had was charcoal grey ext with a burgundy top and burgandy inter..

    thats a decent car to work on plus keep you busy for the winter...Congrats !!!!!
  11. cwcad

    cwcad Birth of a Detailer

    I do not have to cut him off. he has effectively done that himself. Remember my saying. "DO what you Say and Say what you do." He will have to live with it. I spent my wad trying to help. Now I will leave it to his mother. I did not memtion that she agrees with her son as well.

    Thanks Joe P. I know that I will have fun with it. Maybe not as much fun as I have been having with the Black truck but it will be a little different.

    Oh, the Little Detailer is a born suck up. He has already stated that he likes it even if Mommy and his brother do not. LOL!!
  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Man talk about ungreatfull..(sorry don't meen any disrespect) but I can totally relate to what your going through with your step-son.

    I mean it's a free car..what more can you ask for...I'd jump at an opportunity of a free car..specially at the age of 16...just look at how much room it has in the back hahahaha sorry coudln't help me self hahahahahahaha.

    Okay serious now, I don't see anythign wrong with the vehicle at one point and time it probably looked something like this:

    If you need some inspiration check these bad boys out:
    Bad Ass Car Show! Pimp My Ride! Video

    Man you'd be pimping homes, you'd be the man esay :pimp:

    What ever you do don't let it go this way...even if it's tempting don't do it :no:

    Oh'll need one of these too:
    Heck I'm thinking of getting one for my self..that would be :pimp:

    See this could be all yours if you do your car right:
    Nice hai!!!

    hahaha okay enough google hahahahah

    All joke a side, keep us posted on how it turns out, take your time enjoy's not about when it's done it's about enjoying the time you spend working on it...well at least that's how I feel about detailing :cheers:
  13. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    thats a sweet car, and i had friends who turneed down free cars.. never made sense to me... It saved them money,and has chacter... heck my first car was a 95 olds 98recency elitle. it was maroon with grey leather... it was a pimp mobile (dubed by a 45yr old women who saw it)
    man i loved that car.. i miss her. If i knew i would have missed her so much i would have given my parens the trae in value when i got my new car... man now im all sad i loved her..... she had a stroy, t was the last car my grandpa bough, when he passed my grandma and aunt brought it out west and my dad got it.. he then got a new car and for my 16th b-day they handed me thekeys....

    ok backon tpic, thats a great car, regardless of cost and gas and insuance, if it brings you enjoyment thn it was worth everypenny... after all a car and a man have a speical bond.. from the sounds of it you two have alreay formed that bond....
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Dude that's transformers :joint: :joint: :wicked: :wicked:
  15. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    really? haha... i have never seen the movie,nor did i everreally play with the toys so i dunno.. but if it is the writer of it was a smart cantell he loved his car

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