Products for sale

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by dogma, May 8, 2011.

  1. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter








    Items for sale
  2. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    How much?

    Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
  3. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    I also wanna know how much this stuff is.
  4. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    Sorry , I was so excited to finally post a picture I forgot the prices.

    Blacklight and V7 never used $35 for both SOLD
    Naviwax Ultimte used once 99% left $70
    AG HD never opened $20 SOLD
    Surluster Manhattan gold never used, Surluster pase wax over 95% , Surluster liquid wax 75%, prewax cleaner 50% and car wash 90% Make offer

    For all you pay shipping
  5. mikemechanic

    mikemechanic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Is that shipped price? You send to Canada?

  6. pecka13

    pecka13 Birth of a Detailer

    Will you split BL with V7.
    Only intsrested in v7
  7. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Man the Navi is tempting
  8. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    You pay shipping
  9. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    Prefer to ship as a set. I will break up I I have to
  10. mikemechanic

    mikemechanic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I'd take the BL if pecka13 wants the V7.

  11. mikemechanic

    mikemechanic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Did you sell the set?

  12. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    I know your not selling but you might be, or other people visiting might see this

    I need a PTG preferably under $200 and preferably a HL II but PD7 or others will do

    Hold on for 3 more weeks and I can pay
  13. KlineS157

    KlineS157 Birth of a Detailer

    How much for the ag hd shipped to 19608?
  14. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    Not yet.
  15. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    PM sent
  16. mikemechanic

    mikemechanic Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Ok, how much for the set shipped to Canada? PM me please.


  17. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

  18. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Still have Naviwax?

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