Product Review: Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by TroyScherer, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. TroyScherer

    TroyScherer DB Forum Supporter

    Product Review: Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss

    Manufacturers Description:

    When maximum gloss is required, the Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss is what you want! Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss is a state of the art, extremely high gloss polymerized auto wash shampoo. The Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss is unmatched in its ability to wash and apply a gloss at the same time. Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss provides a long lasting coating that produces superior shine as well as repelling road soil. Biodegradable

    Product Information:

    1. Manufacturer: Majestic Solutions
    2. Made In: Raleigh, NC
    3. Packaging: Clear Bottle, Yellow Label (I had a 4oz White Sample Bottle)
    4. Color: Redish / Pinkish
    5. Scent: Cherry Cough Syrup
    6. Consistency: Regular Car Soap
    7. Dilution: 1oz. Per Gallon of water
    8. Price:
    A. Quart = $8.95
    B. Gallon = $19.95​

    Thoughts and Observations:

    • At first the cherry cough syrup scent was overwhelming and a turn off to me. But once it was mixed into the wash water it was pleasant.
    • The color & consistency reminded me very much of CG Maxi Suds. (See Picture)
    • The initial foam and suds were very nice. I used approx. 1.5 Gal of hot water then added 3+ Gal of water from the hose.
    • The suds only lasted about ½ way through the wash. This is normal for me here and was easily fix by a quick spray of the hose. The suds then lasted the rest of the wash.
    • MJS UG rinsed off nicely leaving a glossy surface that was easy to dry.
    • I could tell that there was more gloss to the paint than normal wash soap.


    Majestic Solutions: Ultra Gloss

    MJS: UG vs CG Maxi Suds

    Initial Suds:

    Truck Before:

    Left Over Wash:

    Truck After:

    True Pain Condition:


    Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss is a nice maintenance soap to use in between waxing. IMO it is on par with other gloss enhancing soaps I have used like CG Glossworkz, Opt Car Wash. But it is cheaper than these when you look at the gallon prices. I will be considering getting a gallon of this if shipping is reasonable.
    I also thought it important to show the true condition of the pain on this truck. I does have hard water spots and swirling all over. But MJS UG made it look great from 5 feet away.

    Any comments and questions are welcome. Thanks for looking.
  2. RefPerfection

    RefPerfection Birth of a Detailer

    I love MSUG. I don't find it to be the same color or shade as my Maxi Suds II, though. Ultra Gloss is great for maintaining the protection on your vehicle. Also, a note about the shipping, it's $15 for a gallon (to my zip) direct from Majestic Solutions. 2 gallons goes up to $17, and I kept increasing the number of gallons up to 6, and it remained $17. I ended up dialing it back and ordering 5 gallons, lol.
  3. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I was just about to say everything RefPerfection just said LOL. I use 2 to 2 1/2 oz of MSUG to a 3 gallon wash and it works great and you can see the difference after washing, it looks like the vehicle was just quick detailed. Nice review:thumb:
  4. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    I just used MJS UG for the first time on Sunday. Did 3 cars and noticed it does leave a very nice gloss. I used a foam gun and the foaming properties were Ok, but that is expected. Overall, I was pleased with the results. I also bought DG 901 and have yet to use it or compare it to MJS UG. BTW, nice review!
  5. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    It is a very good product.....
  6. richguy66

    richguy66 DB Forum Supporter

    Has anyone ever tried to see how well it does on a very dirty car? Unfortunately my car never gets that dirty.
  7. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    that is good to know, \ I don't measure it out in a beaker or anything I just dump what I think is enough and go about my business........ I use allot and laugh about it. That is one reason why i never ordered a gallon, shipping costs. But since you can load up for 17.00 maybe ill order two.
  8. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Still slacking on the MGUG... It's the best shampoo I used. Nothing else has the slickness and gloss combo it has. Although Glossworkz does have a tad more gloss but every time I use it the polymers in product ruin nice beading (but protection is still def. there)
  9. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    DG 901 was my favorite, but I've tried 3D's Pink Car Wash - very good, and the Car wash and Wax - nice, Majestic is very close by and I may pick up some next time I'm there. Running low on Super Green stuff so this Saturday is a maybe!
  10. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I think I'll go out in the garage and take a whiff of the gallon of UG that I have. Jealous?
  11. Legacy99

    Legacy99 Wax on..Wax off

    Been wanting to try MS Super Green does it compare to Meg's APC or any other for that matter?

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