PPG clear coat

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by g35videos, May 14, 2009.

  1. g35videos

    g35videos Two Bucket System Washer

    I am going to be working on a custom painted car for HIN and it has PPG clear coat.
    Has anyone worked on that kind of clear coat? is it hard to work with?

    thank you.
  2. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    PPG is one of the top OEM paint suppliers. Suggest you ask the painter how he customised the paint (or is it just a special colour?)
  3. g35videos

    g35videos Two Bucket System Washer

    yeah it's just a special color it looks perl white.
  4. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Treat as a normal clear coat
  5. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    There are many different PPG clears. You'll just have to experiment with you polish and pad combo. But more than likely, it will be east to work with.

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