Porsche Cayman S-- single step correction

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by statusautodetailing, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. statusautodetailing

    statusautodetailing Virgin Detailer

    Hello Everybody,

    Check out this beautiful Porsche Cayman S!

    Porsche Cayman S "Stage II" detail

    This was only a light, single step paint correction to remove light swirls and restore a like-new shine. I think it came out pretty nice. [​IMG] Please ignore my ugly wash bay. I'm currently in the process of completely redoing it.

    -Meg's M205 via Griot's DA and flat, white LC pad.
    -IPA wipe then Menzerna Power Lock Polymer Sealant

    Had a buddy take the pics, so I didn't get the direct sun shots that I like, but beautiful pics nevertheless.

    [​IMG]Sonax Full Effect on the wheels
  2. statusautodetailing

    statusautodetailing Virgin Detailer

    That's my shop in the second to last photo. Top left corner. My house is slightly out of the photo. Couldn't ask for a better location.

    MGEVOX New Member

    Looks like someone like to do donuts out there ;). Nice work keep it up!
  4. statusautodetailing

    statusautodetailing Virgin Detailer

    It would be a good donut spot lol. Thanks, it really was a fun project and one of my favorite cars.
  5. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    Nice job. No interior work?
  6. statusautodetailing

    statusautodetailing Virgin Detailer

    I did the interior but just didn't get any pics on this one. Sorry. I use vapor steam on interiors with very little chemicals. On carpets I use crystalizing encapsulation products, along with vapor steam and a microfiber over the steamer head. I generally use 303 products for protection.
    Socal Brian likes this.
  7. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    vapor steam is great on interiors if your lucky enough to have one A steamer with a microfiber can really get a lot done. Thanks for the reply.
  8. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Nice work. You have a sweet setup! Hopefully one day i'll be able to work from home like that. It's funny to see that you have tarps hanging in your wash area as my friend and i were just talking about ways to wash inside of a warehouse space that i was looking at earlier today and he suggested the same thing. Bottom line is it gets the job done! You seem to do some great work at reasonable prices too! Hope business is going well. This gives me something to strive for.
  9. statusautodetailing

    statusautodetailing Virgin Detailer

    Thanks, yeah the tarps work great. I've since changed the setup in my wash bay. I painted the wall gloss white and installed fluorescent lights on the walls. I hung heavy plastic, clear shower curtains in place of the tarps about 1.5 feet off the walls. This way the walls are protected and I have direct lighting that is protected as well.

    I absolutely love having a home based shop. It's still looks very professional and allows to live in a nicer house and have a better shop than if I was paying for them separately.

    Thanks so much for the compliments on my work. I am priced significantly higher than most if not all details in my area (which tends to shock people at first), but really my rates are not that high for what my clients get. I'm generally in the $40-$60 per hour range on most of the work I do. I'm confident in the quality of my work and I feel that's a very fair rate.
    vtec92civic likes this.
  10. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

  11. statusautodetailing

    statusautodetailing Virgin Detailer

    No problem.
    vtec92civic likes this.

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