A new client sought me out to correct the issues on his CPO Porsche, which the finish had deep scratches and marring. Daniel from Car Connoisseur helped also on this vehicle and his work ethic and skillset are topnotch and we team up well on vehicles. Preparing for the 1.75 hour wash/decon step. Hub mounting face was dirty and had brake dust build up. Carefully cleaned this area. Tar residue. Overspray issues, which was odd as Daniel and I could not find evidence of a re-spray or the job was OE quality. Daniel removing the defects with a surface prep towel. 50/50 showing deep scratches on the finish. The scratches on the trunk were so deep I had to bring out the DeWalt and twisted wool pad. Daniel cutting the car. The marring was so deep , I had to remove the OE badge and later would put a new one back on but with a unique change that I think looked good. With the badges removed, I corrected the defects in the finish. Marring right up to and touching the trim. Rocker area was marred badly. Daniel and I burning the "Midnight oil" literally, had deadlines to adhere to. The door jambs and trim on the car were also not looking good, doing the tedious work required. Jamb areas corrected, rubber seal cleaned and dressed.
Everything was cleaned, even the rear trunk support rubber. Medium compounding step. Door jamb paint corrected. A couple of interior pics, I found the interior to be nice quality and roomy. All finished, time for some sun pics. Customer provided a new badge, we both thought this slight change suited the car better.