Good client brought her 997 Turbo in for the works after I gave it a quick cleanup at her work along with a few others. Plenty of defects on this one and she wanted it looking as good as possible and protected for the long term with Opti-Coat Pro. 30+hrs went into this one. As it arrived These waterspots were a concern of the owner. Even after the dirt was gone, they were still very much present. Extreme measures would be required to remove the extreme etching. After washing, IronX, claying, and drying I took it in and put it under the lights to start hunting and destroying all the defects After compounding the hood Before and after by the Porsche crest Looking better! Before After Opposite angle on the hood One side corrected, the other not yet And after correction completed The rockers were corrected as much as safely possible. There were some deep scratches that could not be removed without compromising the clear, which measured on the thin side. Sunroof had some issues... Wetsanding was required to remove the water spot etching on the spoiler. 1500 grit and then 3000 grit. Some of the deepest etching I've ever seen from waterspots. Once all compounding was done I took it outside to check the paint in the little bit of sun that remained at the end of day 2. Owner kept interior very clean, so just some minor tidying up was done. After medium polishing was complete, the Turbo got an alcohol wipedown to remove any polishing oils and an inspection out in the sun before final polishing was done. After all correction (compounding, medium polishing, and final polishing) was verified under direct sunlight, Opti-Coat Pro was applied for permanent protection for the paint. Here are the final shots of 3 long days of work. Thanks for looking!