A loyal client returned to Porsche ownership(Previous car was a 700HP Gen 1 Turbo Tech Art) and he picked up this vehicle out of Florida, it would need major surgery to be made whole as it had "Track patina". As the following pics show someone liked their privacy as this is the darkest tint I have EVER seen and my client wanted this off the car with the quickness. In addition to a major restorative correction, Sharkwerks would be installing a exhaust, headers, flash, wheels and custom billet wing risers and even though the car was rough the end product was worth the expense and time. Off came the tint.................. Harness bar was removed to allow my ample portions into the rear shelf to remove the hurting tint failness. Tint removed. Factory graphics were removed as well, a new theme from the "All Red" to something a little more subtle. After the graphics and tint were removed, the dry old 3M pre-cut film was removed for incoming X-Pel freshness...............tucked away for the night. Next day correction and film prep, deep marring. After the film on the front bumper was pulled off, this lovely surprise was waiting(Re-sprayed bumper) replete with DA pigtail sand scratches. Defects removed. Scoured finish, 50/50 to demonstrate marring. R-compound tire residue. Tire residue removed. The finish looked as though someone thought aggressive clay was the way to keep the paint clean.................... Clearing that issue up. Factory sanding scratches on the carbon wing. After. Engine decklid tore up. Clear & smooth. This area had never seen cleaning. Every crevice attended too. My film guys (Johnson @Mach 3) getting it done!. Dialed in rear tail lights. Film applied, some sun time to speed up the process of purging trapped water under the film. At this point the car was "Gently driven" down the street to Sharkwerks into James Uber Tech capable hands. Evo Motorsports headers. Steel rotors taken off, CCB's put on. New Forgeline tightness awaiting cleaning & protection. All road butter removed, shrouds and suspension dialed in. Engine bay was also attended to. Ready to take the car back to my shop for the final-final and some more film work, a job well done by James who hardly ever gets the credit he deserves as he is low profile always.................. After carbon mirrors were installed, they were wrapped with film. About this time, Daniel from Car Connoisseur arrived to help with this car and the Huracan/Ferrari Speciale' that were waiting for us. Interior cleaness. Gen 2 Metzger tightness looking it's best. Bad-a**................... from every angle. ready for the road or track!.
I can only dream of how enjoyable it must have been to that detail. What a beautiful car and awesome work as always.