Porsche 993 Carrera 4S correction detail and clear film removal

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by GoFast908Z, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    New client referred to me by another Porsche client. Came out to San Jose to work on this sharp looking 993 C4S. The paint was definitely on the dull side and the clear film was in dire shape and required removal. A 2 step correction was performed and yielded over 80% defect removal and the return of the paint's gloss. Two days worth of work had the 993 looking much improved.

    Upon arrival






    The clear on the calipers had failed long ago and the only way to fix would be repaint at a later time.


    Previous wax job still beading strongly....


    The old film came off in many dozens of pieces because of age and abrasion. In some areas it necessitated pulling the film at an unfavorable angle. Much time and care was spent to ensure no paint lifted. Removal was long, but uneventful.


    Condition of the paint under the film. Correction had obviously not been performed before applying the film to the car....





    Film removed from side mirrors and you can see the color difference in the paint. Thankfully this all polished out and was uniform after correction.



    Swirls and marring....




    Interior tidied up...





    After finishing the paint correction, the paint had gloss and life again





    Polishing these was not fun....





    Finished and out in the sun for final pics on day 2.














    Thanks for looking!
    kyle butler likes this.
  2. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    great job love the 993.
  3. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Amazing work!
  4. kyle butler

    kyle butler Birth of a Detailer

    that looks awesome!. Great looking 993
  5. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

  6. tigerwash

    tigerwash New Member

    Fantastic job! That car looks CLEAN dude
  7. snowbird

    snowbird New Member

    Looks great! What approach do you use to polish the thin painted sections like the engine cover slats? Machine or by hand?

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