Porsche 964 - Zuffenhausen turnaround.com

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Brynjar, May 29, 2010.

  1. Brynjar

    Brynjar Birth of a Detailer

    Porsche 964 - 1990 modell - 3,6l


    Mac 124 Prickbort
    Scholl Crack 9000
    SV Car bath
    Maxi suds
    MG APC
    Wookie Fist mitt
    SV Detail brush
    Megs Wheel Brightener
    SV yellow clay
    EZ wheel brushes
    ScandicShine dryers
    Espuma dryers

    Makita og flex rotary
    Porter Cable DA
    Scholl S03Gold
    Scholl S30
    Menzera PO85RD
    Different pads
    SV autobahn
    SV Zuffenhausen
    SV Trim Restorer
    Dynamix cleaner and milk
    Scholl Purple 9000
    Nanolotus Pro
    Pneu Glossy
    SV Crystal


    Some pics prior to washing:










    Pre-wash.. first mac 124 prickbort:

    Let this one stand for about 5 minutes before rinse-off:


    Then I did rims by rims(degreasing and rinsing):

    I did not let the MG Wheel Brightener stand for more than about 1 minute before i rinsed of. This is an acid-based degreaser, and dilluted in 1:4 not much more time is needed:



    The car was far from clean, so I layed a new round of degreaser, this time with Scholl Crack 9000 and maxi suds in the foam canon:

    (1liter of foam to be exact):









    Can't help my self. Just love foam pics:

    Time for some hand washing:

    "mmmmmmm, car bath!!":

    Pulled out the smalles wash-mitt in the collection - wookie fist... here I'm pouring out half of the bucket:


    Yellow SV clay and ONR as Lube:

    After the hood and front fenders.. Not bad this:

    SS dryers followed by Espuma dryers:

    Took the car out in the sunset for a closer look:

    Not to pad?!? LSP ready:) :




    Was asked if I could fix this, but politely said no:

    Polish residue? Nope, but i think it's some sort of glue after changing the window.. Cleaned it of with some 3M GPAC:



    This is a very good picture of what the car was covered in.. The entire car was covered in RDS's:

    Then some paint measurement by mr.Paint Detective:





    Re-painted area.. also confirmed by owner:



    Paint values were somewhat inconclusive with a very large variation in average of thickness. What does this tell me? Some re-painted areas that have been oversprayed with BC/CC = be careful here:

    Started out with orange scholl an Scholl S30, which was replaced with S03 Gold and yellow pad after a couple of passes(to little cut):

    Did about 6-8 passes with a firm pressure:

    Release the pressure at the end and "drag" the machine extremely smooth and slow which gives a good finish with less holo's:

    Time for som 50/50:

    S03 Gold, 5-7 passes - 600->2000>900rpm, and then a new round:

    50/50 :D :


    Did a middle-step just for the pictures sake:




    Polished two rounds with S03Gold and this schratch was left(S03G has a little more cut than 3M FCP+ in comparison):

    75mm scholl wool and S03 Gold worked for a very loooooong time:










    Think I'l save this one for the next day:

    Day two I started out in the sun.. Thought I would get some sun on the corpse and did the tailgate with yellow scholl and S03Gold:

    Wiped down with 50/50 IPA.. The paint was hard here, and as mentioned earlier, letting of on the pressure on the end helps finishing nicely:


    Re-paintet area:

    Thats all I got time for before the rain came:

    Small wool pad was a must on this car, as it is so many curves on it:

    Urrrk!!! Thin laquer on plastic fenders = no fun.. (inspected with microscope on paint chips):

    Some more 50/50 freehand:

    SingelStage paint on the front fender:

    After two long rounds of S03G with wool pad, followed by S30... Did panel by panel with middle stage after rubbing:


    After.. Scholl S03G on yellow, S03G on 75mm wool, 75mm wool, 75mm wool, 75mm wool, yellow medium size pad with S03G to remove the wool marks, followed by S30 on orange pad and PO85RD:




    After a whole lot of passes:





    Thought I'd take some shiny pics before going home this day:






    Time spent so far: 5hrs... (or + 20hrs!!)

    Exhaust detailing getting out of hand:

    Started out with Scholl S0 on an old rotten MF pad:


    ahhhh, to slow... Pulled out the Flex and my alu wool pad(just cause it's permanent black):

    Finishing pad with S03G.. Happy?!? Far from, and a quick look underneath the car gave me a bright idea!!:

    Take it down scooter... Two 11mm wrenches did the business.. Thought about what I should do now, but a machine in the corner kept calling my name... "Brynjar, use me, use me!!!":

    And the machine was used. The whole end-pipe was sandblasted and fearly clean after 3 minutes.. Then I used P120(dry) on a DA sander:

    Was out of P400 for the DA, so had to do P400 by hand. I regret that a bit, since it's easier to get out sanding marks after DA P240 than P400 by hand:



    Guess what this original Makita wool pad have been used for before?? S0 on the pad in any case:

    Maximum power:

    Smaller edition:


    MF drying:

    MG Metal polish:

    CG metal polish:

    SV CFP:

    SV Autobahn:

    Done? Far from:

    Since the dark spots would not come and I thought it would destroy the total impression(mine of course), I decided to take this a bit further.. Especially since I first had taken the trouble of disassembling it:


    Thinner for cleaning:

    Threaded onto a suitable carrier:

    The spray paint I'm using here does not need primer and is heat resistant up to 600 degrees celcius:

    Did three coats, wet on wet with about 5-7 minutes intervals, followed by tow layers of clear in the same quality/brand:

    Let the paint flash for about an hour before I removed the tape:

    Put on a layer of Endurance:

    Did not get the finish I'd hoped for on the non-painted area, but did not have time for more alu polishing... Time to move on:


    Some CRC 5-56 on the mounting bracket:

    Exhaust Mounting Paste.. This will harden when the exhaust reach some temperature:


    Used a MF to hold the tip with, but gave that up after a while trying to fit the tip.. After a little cursing, adjusting and a little more fine tuning the bracket was tightned and this little fix was done. Time spent: somewhere between 2-3 hrs:

    Some more polishing with S03 Gold:


    Some left-handed polishing_



    S30 with orange:


    Wish you the best of luck:

    2-3 passes with yellow and Gold to separate the rds's from the swirls:

    starting to work on the scratches:

    Just on this door, there was around 10-12 scratches like this + some minor ones:

    Did not wipe of the residue between the rounds, just added some more polish and kept on going. 600->1500->2000->more polish->1500->2000rpm->new scratch(due to the heat)->back to the old scratch->more polish->last round with yellow pad and the Makita for a nicer finish:

    Turned out like this:



    The rear "wing" was done with very gently with Gold and wool:


    full concentration from the first spin:



    Then some more 50/50:) :


    Checking for some holo's:


    A small IPA test spot:



    ahhhh, a little fed up now:

    Did the whole car with PO85RD after this, followed by IPA wipedown:



    Had to do an extra round with PO85 one the re-painted fender after wipedown:






    SV CFP applied with Porter Cable DA:










    The floor-mats was vacuumed. Seats were cleaned with Dynamix cleaner and milk. The interior was cleaned with CG Green Clean 1:10 and Scholl Purple 9000:

    Zuffenhausen time:D:

    And also a couple of stickers:

  2. Brynjar

    Brynjar Birth of a Detailer

    Finished pictures:





    Arches got a couple a little bit bare bones:






































    Thanks for watching!
  3. detailjohn

    detailjohn Detailers Advertising Scheme

    Fantastic work. Wouldn't expect anything else from a fellow Norwegian.

  4. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    great job!!!!! love these older 911's
  5. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Incredible work ... I always enjoy reading your posts. Very informative and excellent documentation. It's nice to see in the pics your level of perfection and your love for detailing.
  6. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Absolutely amazing work. Love the 50/50s.
  7. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    INCREDIBLE!!! That is the best writeup and detail I've ever seen. Simply world class. Thank you so much for sharing. This one is a classic.
    Joe D
  8. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    great work. i like the close up pics of paint. looks great
  9. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    You amaze me every time you post...it's always 100 pics or so, huge write up, and I love it!!! Well done! BTW, I have a pot of Zuffenhausen, and I love it!
  10. Brynjar

    Brynjar Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks John, not bad:)

    Thank you:) Love these older 911's my self. Nice paint to correct on compared to the newer editions too.

    Thank you for all the kind words:) Very nice to hear.. About the 50/50's I use the "P" mode on the camera, manual focus and place the blitz/light in the middle.. Easy as that:)

    haha, I would not say that, but I try the best I can:) I spent about 40hrs on this detail, and that was 20 hrs more than I'd planned:) But the car needed it, and the owners reaction upon receiving it was well worh it..

    Thank you.. Like them to.. Those can be rather hard to get the correct focus on, but of course easyer on metallic paints like on this one.

    Thank you, there are some new write-ups coming to you soon:popcorn:
  11. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    Love your posts!! Nice job man!
  12. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    Nice one, a great one!
  13. Brynjar

    Brynjar Birth of a Detailer

    Thank you guys.. much appreciated
  14. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    50/50' s are great. Excellent job. Great pics.
  15. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    WOW! you really up the gloss on that one!
  16. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Great job / write-up (and attention to detail-exhaust!)
  17. Brynjar

    Brynjar Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks, much appreciated:)

    The owner of the car will agree with you there:)

    Thanks, it's all in the details:)
  18. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    GORGEOUS restoration! :mounty:
  19. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    humour and results now that's a killer combo
  20. Brynjar

    Brynjar Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks, nice comment.. Most appreciated:)

    Thank you bryan:) Two days after the detail, the owner got a complimentary visit from a cat walking across the hood of the car.. Left some schratches, but was easily removed (yesterday) with S30 on orange pad, followed by UFSE, FCP and a good layer of SV Glorious!!

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