Poll: Should Meg's bring M101 Compound to the USA

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by DB Boss, Jan 31, 2012.


Should Meg's bring M101 to the USA

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    48 vote(s)
  1. DB Boss

    DB Boss DB representative

  2. Paul S

    Paul S Birth of a Detailer

    I would think supply and demand would dictate Meguiars bring M101 to our shores. Even if it was marketed as a pro only product and required a signed release. Let the trade decide whether its a success or not. The product is already in production so its not as if they would have to re-invest a ton of R&D capital.
  3. Erik Mejia

    Erik Mejia Obsessive Detailer

    Keep the votes coming.
  4. invaderzim

    invaderzim Jedi Nuba

    I thought I read it was a problem with some of the chemicals not meeting US standards. You can't sign away that.
  5. Paul S

    Paul S Birth of a Detailer

    On the back label it reads "Globally VOC-compliant". So that dosen't seem to be the hold up at this time.
  6. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    Think about this guys...

    Everything sold through mainstream vendors in many cases is purchased on the expectation of a discount at least here in the US. Its amazing how little profit distributors will take on an item(hardly to recoup procurement costs) and truly set themselves up for "Mandatory" sales to move any sort of volume. You can't deny there are tons of vendors out there who you can count on a sale almost every couple weeks. Kinda ridiculous.

    Yes we can get into the argument of of the economy sucks and so on... but the fact is guys who are detailing for a trade want a good price, but otherwise know where to go and how to get the items they need. I am a firm believer(as evidenced by our support) that the guys IN the trade know the true value of the products they are using and understand why prices are prices. I am not sure this can be said about enthusiasts or product collectors(no offense meant here guys)

    Working with Meguiar's taught me almost immediately that they are genuinely concerned with the well being of their brand and the value it holds for the time and effort they put into development. Its absolutely ridiculous that they price things(nearly everything) to have it distributed and sold for as little as 65 percent MSRP - as if a 15 dollar gallon of APC Is TOOOO MUCH. Its ridiculous. Every single thing is devalued in our trade, everything sold for less than full price(which in the case of anything from Meguiar's is underpriced IMHO).

    People will pay an appropriate price for appropriate performance. I seriously don't blame them for marketing this to Europe and not bringing it over immediately.
  7. Paul S

    Paul S Birth of a Detailer

    Mike from what I see so far is that the professionals at this time are willing to pay a premium for this product. All most of us want is the same chance to purchase this product at a fair market price as it is being offered to those across the pond.Meguiars has not obtained the market share they enjoy worldwide by making bad decisions.But it's hard for me to see the big picture from the reasons they are offering. Maybe thats why I'm not Meguiars CEO. LOL.I guess we will have to wait and see if they have something we haven't foreseen up their sleeve as they say. In the meantime it looks as if M101 will have to travel from Nashville to Europe and again back to the states.Maybe all we need to invest in DHL stock.
  8. mpanella

    mpanella DB Forum Supporter

    Absolutely. This is America! We want it all.:waiting2:
  9. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Yes. Bring it. I don't think Meguiars has a full product line already. :shakehead:
  10. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Yes, bring it....... the cost to obtain it is obscene right now, its cheaper and easier to get half an oz of Columbias pure.
  11. Paul S

    Paul S Birth of a Detailer

    Not asking for a new product to be created but only for a existing product to be offered to all. After using this product I see where it would fit into ones arsenal.
  12. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I was being sarcastic. Meguiars has WAY too many overlapping products. I am picking up my M101 tomorrow and am excited as hell. :)
  13. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    Yes. Bring it!

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