Hi All- I will be detailing my car for the first time this week. I had a few questions about products. Here is what I have planned: 1- Snow Foam 2- Wash 3-Clay Bar 4- Wash Note: Car is silver and does not have many swirl marks or imperfections. So I am afraid to use something too aggressive like Meguiars 105 but I am open to suggestions. I have not yet bought a polish. 5- Polish (Want to buy a meguiars product need advice #105, #4, or #2?) 6- Wolfgang Finishing glaze 3.0 (should I use something else after step 5 Meguiars polish and before the WG Glaze?) 7- DP Sealant 8- P21s Carnauba Wax Again to clarify I have all of the products purchased already except for the Polish (step 5), and I want to see which Meguiars polish to use and if I should use another Meguiars product after it and prior to the Wolfgang finishing glaze 3.0. Also I have a clear bra on the hood, can I use all/any of these products on the clear bra? Thanks!
i would do a test spot with#6 first .with silver you not need to go any further.what find of pas do you have?
Keep it simple and get the M105 & M205 combo. I think Wolfgang Finishing Glaze is Menzerna Final Finish, so that could work instead of M205.
I have Lake Country 6.5 Pads (Orange, White, Blue, Red). I already bought the Wolfgang Glaze 3.0 so I dont want to get rid of it. I just wanted to know what kind of First step Polish to use. I have a Silver BMW and the paint is in pretty good shape very minimal swirlling. So I am thinking that #105 may be to aggressive? Should I use something less like #83 or #2?
If you already have WGFG why not start with Wolfgang TSR. It's a great combo that finishes nicely. It's not super aggressive, which is what you are looking for. M105 sounds to aggressive for your situation. I wouldn't polish the clear bra material.
Instead of getting Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover, pick up Menzerna Power Finish. The WTSR is rebranded Menzerna and the Menzerna is cheaper