polish or compound

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by ScottieB, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    How are you guys removing defects with just a polish? I look at all the before and afters and in the descriptions people use SIP. I have to use a compound to remove swirls. What is the secret?
  2. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    What machine are you using, what pads?
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :nod: yes it comes down to your tools your using. With the right pad and machine (rotary or DA) you can achive good correction.
  4. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    I have both, a Flex rotory and a Griot's Garage random. I have foam wool and regular wool pads. I have a selection of LC pads in 5.5 inch. As for compounds I have Wizards Turbo Cut, Fercara(sp), and 3m. For polishes I have Wizards and the full line of Griot's.
    No matter what combo I use, I have to use a compound. Any insights?
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Um...to be honest I've never even heard of Wisards actually the only one I know that you mentioned is 3M...well just a little...well I'm not sure how the other polishes behave but I'm curious what kind of vehicles are you polishing? I wonder if your up against hard clear coat or something like that...just throwing it out there.

    Another thing is, how slow slow/fast are you going over the polish with the machine (rotary or DA)? Are you properly breaking down the polish?

    Perhaps silly questions, dont mean to insult you in any way just wondering that's all.
  6. Scott's Mobile Detailing

    Scott's Mobile Detailing Welcome to Detailing

    ya it all depends on the cc
  7. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

    I started out with griots polishes. I have heard of Wizards but never used their polishes. Never were happy with the products i have used. As far a griots, they make some nice products but the polishes arn't one of them. A huge difference between them and menzerna. AND I MEAN HUGE
  8. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    Just to give you a little back ground, I am a custom painter. I do mostly Harley's and street rods. This has always been a bad time of year for painting bikes as everybody wants to ride.
    I have been wet-sanding and polishing for years, but this is a totally different world. Our products are different. I can't use lsp's or products that will "seal" the pores in the paint. That would cause the solvents to be trapped and ruin my paint jobs. That means I have to be careful with the product line.
    I did not take anything personally. So keep the advise coming. I want to learn your world!! So far I have polished a Suburban, Dodge Ram, Saturn, Kia, and a Taurus. All have required compound. I polish at about 1500 rpms on the Flex and up to #6 on the random. I think I know how polishes break down. Maybe I need better polishes.
  9. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

    Yes i think it is the polishes. i noticed a night and day differance when i switches from griots to 3m/menzerna polishes.
  10. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    Everyone works on different cars, uses different products, techniques, and is at a different skill level. You've only done 5 cars? So I wouldnt be so concerned about it. The majority of cars I see need compounding and at least a 3 step process (if not 4 or 5) for max possible defect removal and max gloss. But most people arent willing to pay that.
  11. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    You guys are a huge help. What 2 Menzerna polishes would you guys recommend?
  12. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    SIP and 106ff
  13. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

    SIP and PO85. I would also get a powergloss.
  14. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    If you can swing it I would get 5. Power Gloss, IP, FP, SIP, and 85RD. The reason for the IP and FP, these would be used on soft paints, much more user friendly than SIP on them.
  15. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :nod: I would have to agree with Asphalt here with those products you would be set for anything that comes your way. What ever you choose to get, Menzerna wise, you'll just have to adjust to it. Menzerna is quite the product, I'm curious what you will choose and of course thoughts.

    I'm looking forward to some pictures :whistle:
  16. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    Just placed a large order with Phil at DD. I bought SIP and Micropolish. My reasoning behind SIP is that everybody likes it. The Micro just because. I already have an over-stock on compounds so no powergloss, at least for now. The 106ff and 85RD will just have to wait. If I can't learn SIP and Micro, I don't need $200 in a product line just sitting around.
    I will try and post pics of the Dodge Ram I did. It is the best I've done to date.
  17. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    Oh and by the way "Any rag vehicle washer", I use two buckets!!:applause2:
  18. Nica

    Nica Banned

    lol..yea those are just tittles I came up with for fun :giggle: the more you post the tittles will change but like I said just for fun :peace:

    Look forward to your thoughts on Menzerna :thumb:
  19. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    I will start a new thread when I use the Menzerna.

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