Polish for Colder Temps

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Cleaning Fool, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Cleaning Fool

    Cleaning Fool Birth of a Detailer

    Anybody have a go to polish(s) for below 45 degree temps? Trying to find somethng a little less finicky than Menzerna,
  2. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Believe it or not System One X-3 - I have had good luck with it in cooler temps...:shrug:
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well currently my go to polishes are Menzerna, 3M UK and some Scholl products. I hardly use Scholl but when Menzerna acts up I use my back up, 3M UK. No matter what the temperature (not including freezing temperatures) it hasn't let me down yet.
  4. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    You could go to 3M or get yourself a baby bottle heater and put your Menzerna in a samller cbottle and this will keep it warm so you can work with it alot easier. Also put Menzerna in smaller bottles and put some warm water in a bowl and keep the bottle in the warm water when using it and this will also help. This is what I do and have zero problems with Menzerna when I use this method in cooler temps.
  5. er1k

    er1k Obsessive Detailer

    Good ideas! I will use those when my Menz acts up now.
  6. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    And if your using a worklight that isn't on a stand, just keep it in front of the light. Atleast the worklight we have gets hot enough...
  7. Cleaning Fool

    Cleaning Fool Birth of a Detailer

    Good stuff, thanks
  8. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Now that is a cool trick. I need to get me one of those bottle warmers. Great tip Asphalt!
  9. Cleaning Fool

    Cleaning Fool Birth of a Detailer

    One more question. Im picking up my Halogen light set a Lowes today. A tripod with 2 lights I believe. Anyway, will the heat from the lights help the small section I'm working on, as far as possibly warming up the panel just a little bit ?
  10. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    Yep, it sure will. Also, helps heat your garage as long as your garage door is shut. Those babies put out some heat! Also, I put a small portable space heater in my garage and let it run for 30 min to 1 hr. before using Menz polishes and it seems to bring the temp up enough to let Menz to it's thing without issue. Between the space heater and the halogens, it's usually warm enough. I did add some extra insulation to the garage last year as well.
  11. Cleaning Fool

    Cleaning Fool Birth of a Detailer

  12. Cleaning Fool

    Cleaning Fool Birth of a Detailer

    I learned many valuable lessons yesterday. Like Brody said in "Jaws 2, I don't intend to go thru that hell again"

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