Been seeing a little interest in the Pig Spit. I sell a ton of this stuff locally, actually I started carrying this by request from some locals. I'm glad I did, I use Pig Spit for all of the motorcycle details that I do plus all of my engine details. Now is your chance to tryout Pit Spit at a discounted price. Results for Car Care Productsig Spit
I know of a lot of motorycle guys that spray it on and walk away. For motorcycles I like to go back and wipe the product off of all the chrome pieces. On engines sometimes I can spray on and walk away and then other times it might be too heavy in areas and I just go back with a towel to make it look even.
Pig Spit has been around motorcycles shops for eons. It really dresses up faded wrinkle black cases. IMO, I like it better with a light wipe off. S100 engine brightener does about the same thing and doesn't really require a wipe unless you don't like real shiney. YMMV. TL