How do you down load a album from photobucket to post? I can't figure it out been trying for 30 min do you have to down load one at a time.
Dont think you can do the entire album at once, maybe as a slide show. You need to copy the image tag into your thread.
I'll see if I can help. 1. open the album you want to download. 2. under the album title, click on "view all" 3. scroll to the very bottom and click on "select all" and then "choose action" 4. scroll down to and click on "generate link codes for selected 5. second box down will be IMG for bulletin boards and forums. Click on the box that says full size. The word "copied" should come up. 6. go to DB, start your thread and paste into the thread. I'll wait and see how you do. Call me at 604.561.5121 if it doesn't work.