Paint chip?

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by crimsondr, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    Hi all,

    I read that the definition of a paint chip is when the paint is actually gone and that section is a different colour. I have a situation which is similar. A few nights ago I think my car was hit by a small stone while driving on the highway. The car is white. On the front there is a definite chip in the surface. It's not dented. The section is still the exact same colour as the rest of the body, just that it's chipped in. Looks like the top layer is clear.

    What do I need to do to fix this? How can I fill this since it doesn't seem like I need to add colour back?

  2. artemis53

    artemis53 Jedi Nuba

    it all depends on your preferences, ability and budget.

    If this is YOUR PERSONAL car, and want to be cheap and just make it go away, you could try something as simple as a clear paint [spray can, maybe?] apply, smear to smooth and level it out by hand or rotary/da if available

    Or, you may even just try Dr. Color Chip or similar products, find your color, order the kit and apply following their directions.

    If you could provide clear, close-up pictures it may help us out!
  3. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    I'll try to get some pics up...

    Also, I am going to get the OEM touch up pen for my car and try it out.
  4. SoCal Garage

    SoCal Garage DB Forum Supporter

    There are clearcoat pens available too. A pic would make a big difference on this thread, thanks.
  5. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Check out Dr. Color Chip.
  6. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    Anyone know where I could order this in Canada?
  7. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    My car is a Hyundai Sonata. I think the OEM touchup pens have clear coat on one side and paint on the other. I'll see when I get it.
  8. artemis53

    artemis53 Jedi Nuba

    Well, if you didn't already order the pen, I wouldn't. they work, but I always prefer other application methods, if they have something more along the lines of a nail-polish brush...

    The pen can just be a little hard to apply on certain types of defects, and can leave undesirable results that need to be leveled after.
  9. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    Well I'm getting it for free from the dealer so I'm okay to try something else. Someone did mention Dr. Color Chip, but I don't know where to get it in Canada. Do you have any suggestions?
  10. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    Didn't even have a chance to take a picture of the chip and I now have a new problem. Wife scraped the curb today. Now the lower front end is scraped on both sides. Here is a picture of the driver side. The scrape is very rough and down to the metal.

    How can I repair this? I'm not too concerned about appearance since you wouldn't see it unless you bent down to look. But I don't want it to rust.

  11. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    I was just looking at the damage on the lower front bumper and thought of something. Is the bumper metal? I was examining it and doesn't seem like it's metal. So if it's not metal I don't really need to worry about it rusting? Just touch it up a bit and be done with it?
  12. obsidian LGT

    obsidian LGT Birth of a Detailer

    Yeah that doesn't look like metal..actually I can't think of any modern cars that have metal bumpers so no risk of rust. Just be sure to touch it up so it does not continue to flake off.
  13. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    Just get a touch up pen!
  14. artemis53

    artemis53 Jedi Nuba

    For the bumper, simply sand it a little to remove loose paint, and if you just want to make it not be noticeable, just spray it with your body-color spray paint. done.

    And Obsidian is correct, there really aren't any cars made now days with metal bumpers.
  15. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    Thanks all. Don't know too much about cars. Didn't realize the bumpers were plastic.

    Can anyone recommend a place to get some touch up paint matched to my car's specific color?
  16. obsidian LGT

    obsidian LGT Birth of a Detailer

    I bought my touch up paint from, because it's not a touch up pen, it's paint and clear separately. I think it was like 30.00 or so for a 1 oz. bottle of base coat and a 1 oz bottle of clear coat. I got the griots garage touch up kit as well because it comes with a ton of various sizes of applicators instead of using a glorified nail polish brush.
  17. artemis53

    artemis53 Jedi Nuba

    most dealerships do offer a spray can of touch up paint as well for larger areas like this. I got a spray can for my 2011 silverado when I scratched up the bed and didn't want it to rust out on me...
  18. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    Thanks for this. I may order some for the bumper and any future dents/scratches.

    I did ask my Hyundai dealer and they said the pen is what they have. I'll ask them again if they have a spray can also. I did look at their website but it only shows the pen.
  19. crimsondr

    crimsondr Virgin Detailer

    Hi again,

    I'm about to order some touch up paint from Should I order the primer and clearcoat or is the basecoat good enough?

    Also, I'm going to order 1oz paint each for my two cars. Is the clearcoat the same? Could I just order a single 2oz bottle of clearcoat since it's cheaper?


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