YouTube - Pagani Zonda R - official commercial - HD1080p - by runimation studios Video: Pagani Zonda R commerical is pure pr0n — Autoblog
Was at my neighbors house and watched it on his 60" HD TV with 5.1 hmm....oh it was beautiful! One day, one day I would like a only goal in life :lol: No seriously it is my only goal in life sense I was a kit...and plan on doing everything I need to do to get there...haha.
What kind of kit were you and what sort of senses did you have? : Getting back on topic....yep, it's official. I wet my pants. :doh:
FAIL on my part, that is what I get for trying to type on my phone LOL. I have super senses, :gasp:, can spot swirls from a miles away and buff them with my eyes.