Orange peel?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Xcessiv, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. Xcessiv

    Xcessiv Birth of a Detailer

    Hi detaling colleagues. :headbang:

    My dad had a minor car accident and the body shop did a sh*tty job on the fender. There's orange peel.

    Here's the best I could do with my Flex and:
    - 2 passes of M95 on purple foamed wool pad
    - 1 pass of SIP on orange pad
    - 1 pass of Nano on blue pad
    - Poorboys sealant
    - Poorboys Natty's Blue


    Is this the best I can do with this material? Any suggestion?

    Thank you.
  2. IanB

    IanB Two Bucket System Washer

    If that is the case, you could be at the point of diminishing returns. If however this is a single stage paint, wet sand that baby and flatten it out. Then polish to see what you get.

    If you have a PTG that will also tell you how much you have to work with. Most body shops spray BC/CC with about 12 mils total. (at least that's what it is on my car).

    My .02.
  3. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    dude use 2500-3000 grit sand paper... won't hurt a thing unless you rub on it for an hour! Just about 2-4 mins will do fine... or until completely hazed over, then compound/polish etc
  4. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Dust, 2-4 minutes and he will have nothing left. I would go over it with 2000 or 3000 grit just enough to get the top of the orange peel, what I mean is not to get completely hazed from the sand paper, leave some shiney paint, then buff out and see how it looks so you can kinda match the texture to the rest of the vehicle.
  5. Dream Machines

    Dream Machines Jedi Nuba

    Thats a terrible job they did, I usually bury orange peel with GLARE by rotary (only if its in the clearcoat) but that paint on the car looks like single stage acrylic which is always very peely
  6. MrPolished&Waxed

    MrPolished&Waxed Obsessive Detailer

  7. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Removing orange peel is not as simple as it sounds, I personally wouldn't wet sand with out a paint gauge to see how much I have to play with.

    Oh and yes Asphalt Rocket's advice is great advice. Don't get carried a way with wet sanding as it's quite easy to go through the clear coat with an aggressive grit.

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