Optimum Spray Wax vs DG 951

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by yiyiyi204, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. yiyiyi204

    yiyiyi204 Two Bucket System Washer

    How similar are these 2 products? I read that DG 951 is a spray on sealant and Optimum srapy wax, is a spray on wax (obvious, duh).

    Just wondering how similar these 2 are, so I can decide whether to get both or just 1.
  2. blackjz

    blackjz Jedi Nuba

    You can't go wrong with OPtimum car wax...it leaves really nice result, easy to use and last around 2months in very hot and humid condition here in Asia but probably you'll get up to 5months in states
  3. my04lincoln

    my04lincoln Two Bucket System Washer

    I've used the Optimum spray wax and it's pretty good! The only thing is use it wisely. A little goes along ways.
  4. Bigpikle

    Bigpikle Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    The OCW is a combined wax/sealant product. It leaves a super slick finish, has UV protection and a lovely wet gloss - makes a surprising amount of difference to the looks IMHO, for a quick spray product.

    I used DG951 Aqua Wax a few times but IMHO is doesnt add nearly as much. Some have said it lasts longer but both these products are so easy to use for frequent top-ups I am not sure its a big issue, for me anyway ;)

    I'd go for OCW personally and would suggest you certainly dont need both :thumb:
  5. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba

    +1. I've used both, and Optimum adds much more to the look than the Duragloss does, although the Duragloss may be a bit easier to use and slicker.

    I think of OCW as a true spray wax with durability, and Aqua Wax as just a QD on steroids.
  6. blas

    blas Birth of a Detailer

    IMO both are excellent products but... on my dark red paint i prefer Duragloss.

    btw.. I mist my bed pillows with aquawax.. THE SMELL IS AWESOOOOOOOOME! :headbang:
  7. mShu7

    mShu7 Birth of a Detailer

    It's hard to decide between the two. I'm a big Optimum fan and I love OCW, but I can't think of anything negative to say about AW. In fact, I still have 2 gallons of AW sitting on my shelves.

    My suggestion: Buy both! :)
  8. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    I agree, both products are excellent. You can't go wrong with either one. I used to use more Duragloss, now that the new OCW came out, I using that all of the time.
  9. blk45

    blk45 Jedi Nuba

    Do they repel your drool when you sleep? :D
  10. Brent

    Brent Birth of a Detailer

    If you put OCW on your car after a wash and a month later you want to refresh your sealant, should I strip the paint since OCW has carnauba in it or will a sealant be fine even though some OCW was on the paint first? I have never had a problem with AW since it is a spray sealant but I don't know with OCW.
  11. yiyiyi204

    yiyiyi204 Two Bucket System Washer

    QD on roids!!

    Good one!
  12. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    They both suck.... NuFinish 3:1 baby!!!
  13. dervdave

    dervdave Virgin Detailer

    Bigpickle is currently trying out some Polycharged OCW v2, it`ll be interesting to hear how it goes.
  14. blucpe

    blucpe Birth of a Detailer

    has anyone tried dg's marine and rv detailer, i hear it's aw on steroids, no joke.
  15. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    Not to throw a monkey wrench in, but I used to be a big AW fan for occasional top-offs on my cars after washing and now I'm finding myself reaching for Prima Hydro more and more. I would classify it as a spray sealant that helps hide some defects / lighter swirls, leaves an extremely slick finish, nice gloss, and smells amazing. I think it might even smell better than AW and Adam's QD.
  16. budman3

    budman3 Birth of a Detailer

    AW seemed to be very slick when I used it but that wore off fairly quickly, did you have similar experiences with AW and would say that the Prima maintains a slicker finish longer?

    I prefer OCW v2 overall ... nice slickness, easy to use, great durability as a final LSP.
  17. dogma

    dogma Guest

    The new OCW is great I don't feel it lasts as long as it states. For me I like the look on metallic better than AW. On the other Hand AW lasts a lot longer and looks great on solid colors ,but more than 1 coat seriously mutes metallic. FWIW Z8 blows both away.

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