Hi everyone, For those of you who've been waiting for the complete system to debut, we're a little closer. Here are the Rotary backing plates that are now available: We left the hook and look off the edge to allow you to get a good grip on the backing o avoid tearing the pads when removing: Thanks for looking!
It looks like the smallest backing plate is 2/3/4" maybe, I cant see the tape measure that clearly. Dan F
I went out and measured a couple of my Rotary backing plates just now, and they are in Diameter, 2=3/4" = 3" pads, and 3-3/4" = 4" pads. Chris, did Optimum develop these backing plates specifically for the Optimum Microfiber Discs on a Rotary ? Dan F
Yes, we worked with our supplier to tweak them: we wanted the hook and loop to mesh perfectly so that no pad damage would occur with frequent removal, we wanted the edge milled to assist removal, and the interface foam will make the MF pads much easier to control.
You'll have to look a little closer. The 3" has about a 30deg angle where as the CG has about a 15deg...not that that matters, but they aren't the same. They do look similar though.
Those are great prices! Can you use these with regular foam pads too? I don't see why not but you never know.
Thanks Chris ! It is really nice when a Supplier will actually give us the information we need in a timely manner or at all.. Since all Detailers who do this for a living have to be most innovative, having the "nuts and bolts" info really helps us make our decisions easier. I see Optimum made Backing Plates for 3" 5" and 6" pads; are you going to make a 3-3/4" plate for 4" pads? Great looking Backing Plates and Microfiber; has anyone used the cutting microfiber and finishing microfiber with a Rotary, and can we see the results? Thanks again - Happy New Year ! Dan F
Thank you for the compliment. I try to catch all the questions, but if i ever miss one you guys can PM or email me anytime. I have a single set of 4" pads, but I'm not sure they will make the first run of pads. But when we release the 4" pads, we should have a 3.75" plate as well.
I've been surprised overall at how supportive Detailing Bliss is with all its members and vendors. It's very nice for a change.