looks almost identical to the schmitt, which I have but never really use. It's not a bad product, I just like other products better for one reason or another.
yep +1 on the schmitt i bought one a while ago to try out and didnt really like it - too big and doesnt get into corners as well as a sponge/mitt
hmm, this is what Chris from Optimum said on the Optimum forums The foam and color are different from the Schmitt and exclusive to Opti Mitt. It is comparable to a finish pad with about 90-100 ppi. I believe the Schmitt is 70-80 ppi. The color was specifically chosen to conceal the staining that naturally occurs over time with any wash media.
I bought several schmitts when I first started detailing ... they don't last long and they are not soft enough to "hug" the panels while washing. I remember washing panels at least twice because it was so easy to miss a spot with the stiff foam. The foam around the glue that hold both sides together usually gives after a few months.
+1. The softer foam may make it more flexible as well. But not sure since the. Back side still has the stiff scrubber side.
OH NO it has another 10 ppi and it's a different color? WELLLLLL then it's NOTHING like a ShMITT whatsoever, I cannot believe you all thought it had ANYTHING in common with the ShMITT whatsoever! you guys are so dumb...
Sure looks like a schmitt to me . I really liked it myself. But as Gdal already posted the pocket always seperated to easy. . I have since moved on the the Uber sponge .As it fits my needs greatly.