Just checking to see who else wanted to purchase the new Optimum Coating. I've sold out of my initial stock and need to place another order. Let me know if you are wanting some. As I mentioned in the other post, to purchase the coating you will need to sign a waiver stating that you will not hold Optimum or Obsessive Detail liable if applied inproperly. This is actually pretty hard to do! BTW- the coating will be $100 shipped to US for a 40 cc syringe. This will do 3-4 vehciles easily. For international orders just send me your information and I will figure up the shipped charges for you.
hey, Justin, what is this thing anyway? Sounds kinda expensive if it is just a durable sealant at $25 per application... Is it hard on sealant like super glue???
It isn't a sealant, it is actually a coating. Beta testers have been getting at least 3 years out of this and some have gotten as much as 5 years. Once you apply it, the only way you can get it off is with a paint remover or actually buff it off with an abrasive polish. Detailers are charging $150 and up for an application, so there will be a big profit margin on this.
So anyone can buy this coating from you? Do you happen to have the application instructions? I'm interested.
This products is only supposed to be sold to a person that details for a living or someone that details on the side. Basically, Optimum wants people using it that have a good knowledge of detailing so it isn't applied inproperly. A liability waiver also has to be signed for I can sell the product to you. The application is very similar to Opti Seal. There is no instructions with it, but I can explain how to use it correctly.
Yes, you can top with a carnauba if you want to, but you really don't need to. Some people do just to give some extra depth and wetness. The Opti Coating has a nice look by itself, looks similar to Opti Seal with more of a glow in my opinion.
I am definitly going to pick some up, but probably around holiday season. My sibling is getting a new Jetta within the next month or two and I would definitly like to apply the coating for her. Do you think it will be in stock by that time? Also does this stuff go "bad" in the syringe after the first use? Like is there some sort of time scale before it goes bad? (If so I might have to schedule some details that month to use the rest.) Thanks so much!
Brian Just let me know a few days before you want to order it, from my understanding, David is making the coating as the orders are placed. The coating should last a few months in the syringe if you keep it at room temperature. You want to keep it completely sealed when not using it, the more you expose it to the air the quicker it will go bad.
Thanks so much for your speedy answer!:applause2: And I will definitly let you know at least a week or two in advance before I order it. Seeing how being exposed to air makes it go bad. Can you possibly get the product in four separate 10cc syringes? Just a thought.
I assume the DIY hobbyist will not be able to purchase this coating, even if willing to sign the waiver? Dave
Hmmm... so it's like adding a clear coat on top? Does this product bead better than a normal clear coat? Would it be prone to getting swirl marks etc. like a normal clear coat? It sounds like a very interesting product.
The beads are really tight and little plus you get a lot of sheeting with it as well. Yes, it will still scratch and marr like normal clearcoat.