Opti-Bond Tire Gel

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by detaildude3629, Dec 25, 2010.

  1. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    Well just received my products couple days ago, what is the best way to apply the opti bond tire gel to new tires just on wifes car, have a 3 pack of viper applicators for this product. How would you guys do this and the looks it would give? thanks Merry Christmas.:applause2:
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    1:1 dilution or it's too hard to spread.
  3. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I agree, 1:1 is the easiest dilution to work with (not like it is hard to use straight). I always lay a small bead all the way around the tire, a few on the applicator, and then work my way around the tire rubbing it in. As you move to subsequent tires, you should need to use less as the applicator becomes saturated.
  4. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Kinda depends on the tire too. You can use it neat, but if a tire has a lot of little ridges it may become troublesome.
  5. zliegen

    zliegen Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I dilute it 1:1 or slightly more for easier spreading (its still pretty thick) and PRIME a tire foam applicator with 2 or more lines of product depending on tire size. After it dries (10-20 minutes) I may decide to add a second coat if i want more gloss or wipe it down with a microfiber if I want less gloss. Its a very versatile tire gel, you'll find out what works for you after a couple uses.
  6. Perfections

    Perfections Birth of a Detailer

    1:1 in a spray bottle if the tires have alot of ridges, or a paint gun 1:1 at 40-60psi if you have a paint gun, it uses so much less product and goes on super even, if your looking for about a week and a half to two weeks durability use one coat if your looking for 2+ weeks go with 2 coats letting the first one dry, If your having to drive before its dry completely let it dry as long as you can the just wipe it down with a mf :)
  7. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    Wow thanks for the information, will try it 1:1 tommorrow in spray bottle, if I would want to try a paint gun, which one would you reccommend? and what would I need ? thanks :applause2:
  8. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter

    I think you're going overboard with a paint gun... it's just tire shine.

    I use mine straight up, non diluted. I apply using a cut up grout sponge, works for me!
    Just remember, a little bit goes a LONG way. Make sure the tires are free of water too.
  9. The gun may be too much for a weekender to justify, but the speed, efficiency, and appearance more than justify using air for me. I have a dedicated air gun for OptiBond on each side of my garage. 4 tires in under a minute and you can hardly tell I've used any from the bottle.

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