OPT Mitt Review

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Jeff120, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. Jeff120

    Jeff120 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Spring is on its way, that means I dont have to rush around to do a rinseless wash trying to keep from fingers from getting frost bitten! I won OPTs give-a-way and promised to do a review on the Mitt.

    I am fairly new to rinseless washing, started doing it towards the end of summer 2010. Ive never been extremely comfortable with the idea. I didnt like how much dirt always showed up on my microfiber mit and towels. I would typically use 1 mf mitt, and 2 mf towels to do a rinseless wash. With a traditional wash your mit released the dirt that gets trapped in it within the soapy solution. A rinseless doesnt work the same way and I do a lot more scrubbing against the grit guard to help insure a swirl free finish.

    I dont have any OPT rinseless, I have been using DP rinseless, bubble gum smell and leaves and awesome shine!
    2 bucket wash, I used about 2.5 gallons of wash water and a gallon and a half in the gray bucket as a rinse bucket. Note the DIY grit guard to fit the smaller bucket. My other HD bucket was soaking some MF towels. I put the label recommend amount of DP Rinseless in both the wash and rinse bucket, dont know if it really helps, but that is how I do it.


    The subject was washed about a week and a half ago, the pollen is starting to fly here and your car is yellow/green with pollen a day after you detail it. Sucks! It isnt this bad yet but its starting to show up. This is a hand smudge on the A pillar

    Silver is difficult to capture dirty on

    Washing with the mitt was a pleasure and much easier then using my typical method. It also seems to release dirt much eaiser then your typical MF products. Ive heard folks complaining about the hole size for you hand in the mit but I didnt have much trouble. I could see that as a potential for it to start to tear at the point where the yellow back meets the black foam. I see how the string is handy to have as Im sure we have all dropped a mitt while washing, but with your hand in the mitt it seems like to much. I kept forgetting to put it around my had or tucking it in. Ill probably end up just cutting it off.
    I did seem to use more of the wash solution. The mitt holds a TON of water, which is a good thing. I just need to wring it out more I guess. I had just enough to finish my wash with the water sitting right about the grit guard.


    Now on to the important part. Did washing with the OPT Mitt induce any swirls?


    Looks pretty good to me.


    DP rinseless and OPT wash mitt= a winning combination, in the words of Charlie Sheen---Winning!!! Good stuff!

    Ive RWed this car when it was much dirtier this winter using my method above with MF towels, I would feel much more comfortable doing it now with the OPT mitt. It released dirt much eaiser.


    You may have noticed the slice out of the top. I think I did that cleaning around the grill or badging, not sure. Either way care should be noted when working around sharp areas as the mitt fairly soft.


    This is the only con that I have with the mitt is its first use I tore it.

    If you have any ?s I can answer please let me know.

    Im looking forward to many more washes with the Mitt and Ill have to pick up some Opt Rinseless when I run out of the DP and review that combo. Thanks again Chris and OPT!

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