Ongoing Review: Adam's Paint Correcting & Paint Finishing Polish

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by blongo804, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. blongo804

    blongo804 DB Forum Supporter

    Finally got a moment today to try out Adam's Polishes new Correcting Polish and Finishing Polish. My choice of pads was also Adam's new microfiber pads, and tool used was my brand new Flex VRG 3401. :D

    Never having used my Flex at all, or Adam's new polishes/pads, I was kind of worried, but went with my gut. My Subaru has quite a soft clear coat as many of you probably know, so my choice of pad/polish was Adam's Correcting Polish on their microfiber finishing pad. I didn't take many pictures for my first go, so I hope this small part 1 of my review gets a little attention at least!

    Here we go:


    Setting up the fresh pad with some priming action. I used four 2-3" dashes then rubbed it all in.


    Then I used three pee sized drops and off I went!


    Here is my car in question getting a foam bath :)



    And here is the paint on my trunk. Notice some bird poop slightly etched and light swirls and scratches.


    After some Adam's love:


    Remember to keep the fibers tall because they will flatten very easily like so -


    For this I used Adam's pad brush!


    Overall I REALLY like this stuff. Very little dusting and very, very easy to wipe down. I'll be doing a full car tomorrow and will report back more findings. Hope you guys liked the pictures!

  2. ACE2790

    ACE2790 Jedi Nuba

    Look forward to more feedback!
  3. Jackal1001

    Jackal1001 Virgin Detailer

    Are they polishes oily or not too oily? I've never used mf pads only b&s foam pads. What do you think of the cutting power vs foam? Do you think you can use just 1 mf pad to do the whole car by using that brush? Nice review and great results!
  4. blongo804

    blongo804 DB Forum Supporter

    First to answer Jackal's questions..

    - Oily or not? I'd go with not really. I did do an IPA wipedown but maybe i'll try adding a LSP without IPA to see what happens.
    - Cutting power of Adam's MF pads compared to foam? Right now i'd give them a slight edge against foam, although I have yet to use the Paint Correcting Polish with the coordinating orange pad. I will say the MF pads finish down quite WELL.
    - One MF pad to do the whole car by using the brush? I used only two to do the Saab that will be in the following photos.

    This was a one step correction where again, I used the combo of Adam's MF Finishing pad + Adam's Paint Correcting Polish.

    Dirty Saab:



    Lightly swirled Saab:


    No more swirl Saab:


    Finished Saab. :)





    LSP of choice was Adam's Machine Super Sealant with their black coordinating pad on the Flex at speed 2. All correcting was done on Flex with speed 4.
  5. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    You "could" get by with using just 1 mf pad to do the whole car if using the brush. You would just need to make sure you are cleaning the pad very often. I have done a Yukon with 2 pads. One for the hood and passenger side and the other for the back and driver side. As long as you are using the brush you should get by just fine.

    On a side note, I have been extremely impressed with Adam's new polishes. They are the only polishes I have been using and will continue to use.
  6. blongo804

    blongo804 DB Forum Supporter

    I agree with the fact of getting away with using one pad. Honestly I think I could have, BUT a little bit of water fell out of a crack and I felt the pad was a little damper than I liked. I only switched pads because of that. Otherwise, it was doing great just keeping it brushed. :)

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