Note on the Fridge...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by richy, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. richy

    richy Guest

    My Dear Wife,

    You will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, being 54 years old, can no longer satisfy. I am very happy with you and I value you as a good wife.

    Therefore, after reading this letter, I hope that you will not wrongly interpret the fact that I will be spending the eveningwith my 18 year old secretary at the Comfort Inn Hotel.

    Please don't be upset----I shall be home before midnight.

    My Dear Husband,

    I received your letter and thank you for your honesty about my being 54 years old. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are also 54 years old.

    As you know, I am a math teacher at our local college. I would like to inform you that while you read this, I will be at the Hotel Fiesta with Michael, one of my students, who is also the assistant tennis coach. He is young, virile, and like your secretary, is 18 years old.

    As a successful businessman who has an excellent knowledge of math, you will understand that we are in the same situation, although with one small difference - 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18.

    Therefore, I will not be home until sometime tomorrow.
  2. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    LMAO! That's hilarious Richy.
  3. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Yeah.......thats a good one.
  4. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

  5. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    LOL, that is a good one!
  6. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    LOL ! Nice
  7. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  8. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Love it.

    Unfortunately the only 18 year old I can handle now is an 18 year old Scottish single malt whisky
  9. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    haha ... its really funny Richy ...
  10. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    good one thanks!!!!!
  11. cnut

    cnut Guest

    A great way to get a laugh!
  12. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    lol :applause2:
  13. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

  14. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

  15. shiny

    shiny Jedi Nuba

  16. Dial Up

    Dial Up Birth of a Detailer

    ahahhah good one thanx

    marital pwnage :doh:
  17. billy

    billy Obsessive Detailer

    LMAO good one richy!!!
  18. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    haha nice richy!! love it
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :lol2: :lol2: that's a good one.
  20. richy

    richy Guest

    i knew you'd like this one buddy!

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